Gheorghe Cozorici

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Gheorghe Cozorici

Gheorghe Cozorici (born July 16, 1933 in Suceava , Romania , † June 10, 1982 in Bucharest ) was a Romanian actor .


Gheorghe Cozorici completed his acting studies at the Institutul de arta dramatica in Bucharest in 1956 . He then worked at the “Ion Luca Caragiale” national theater in Bucharest, where he was regularly employed until his death. From the mid-1960s, he was seen on the screen in The Forest of the Hanged , Der kühne Flieger Vlaicu and A Crew for Singapore as well as other Romanian films . In 1967 he was awarded the Order of Culture of Merit for “outstanding achievements in dramatic art” .

Filmography (selection)

  • 1964: complicit ( Partea ta de vină )
  • 1965: The forest of the hanged ( Pădurea spânzuraților )
  • 1967: Gioconda without a smile ( Gioconda fără surîs )
  • 1973: Adventure under the sign of the white horse ( Frații Jderi )
  • 1974: Battle of the Turks in the Fog ( Ștefan cel Mare )
  • 1975: Greed ( Patima )
  • 1977: The daring aviator Vlaicu ( Aurel Vlaicu )
  • 1977: The Visitation ( Urgia )
  • 1980: Commission 'Concordia' ( Detașamentul Concordia )
  • 1981: A crew for Singapore ( Un echipaj pentru Singapore )
  • 1982: The Gold Treasure ( Comoara )
  • 1985: Dangerous flight ( Zbor periculos )
  • 1985: Sentimental Summer ( Vară sentimentală )
  • 1989: The Golden Train ( Trenul de aur )

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