Culture Merit Order (Romania)

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Cross of Knights II Class for Scientific Achievement

The Culture Merit Order was founded on September 28, 1931 by King Carol II of Romania and was intended to reward creative achievements in various areas.

Order classes

The order consists of four classes and two associated medals and the number of members in the first three classes was regulated.

The award took place in different categories:

  • Cat. A: scientific achievements
  • Cat. B: general cultural services
  • Cat. C: Merit in the field of education
  • Cat. D: Services in and around the State Guard
  • Cat. E: Services to scouting and sport
  • Cat. F: Achievements in the social field
  • Cat. G: Merits in the literary field
  • Cat. H: Merits in the artistic field, in music and in the theater
  • Cat. I: Services to the Church

The medals attached to the order were intended for general cultural merit.



Knight 1st class

Romanians Foreigners Romanians Foreigners Romanians Foreigners
Cat. A no no 60 150 200 250
Cat. B 20th 50 50 50 150 150
Cat. C 15th 15th 100 150 300 400
Cat. D 30th 50 no no no no
Cat. E 20th 20th 60 60 200 200
Cat. F 20th 20th 60 60 200 200
Cat. G 20th 50 60 150 200 250
Cat. H 10 30th 30th 100 120 150
Cat. I. 30th 50 100 150 300 400

Order decoration

The medal is a silver, gold-plated, dark purple enameled Geneva cross that hangs from a crown . In the middle of the cross is a medallion enclosed by a dense laurel wreath with the bust of Carol II turned to the right. The portrait of Mihai I was used from 1940 . On the reverse of the medallion, the four-line inscription PRIN CULTURA LA LIBERTATE (Culture through freedom).

The cross for knights is made of silver and the second class does not wear a crown. The medals are made of bronze and gold-plated or silver-plated accordingly.

Carrying method

The award was worn on the left side of the chest with the following ribbon according to the category:

  • Cat. A: white band with green stripes
  • Cat. B: white band with a green central and a blue border
  • Cat. C: white band with a red central and edge stripe
  • Cat. D: white tape with blue stripes
  • Cat. E: blue ribbon with black stripes
  • Cat. F: purple band with green stripes
  • Cat. G: white band with purple stripes
  • Cat. H: white band with orange stripes
  • Cat. I: red band with a light blue central stripe


The following awards were no longer awarded with the Foundation of the Order of Culture of Merit:

See also
