Gherardo Gherardi

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Gherardo Gherardi (born July 2, 1891 in Borgo Capanne , Granaglione municipality (today Alto Reno Terme ), † March 10, 1949 in Rome ) was an Italian screenwriter and playwright.


Gherardi initially worked as a journalist, primarily as a theater critic , and made a name for himself as a dramatist of dialect and high-language plays; this includes u. a. Spanez (dialect piece , 1927), Vertigine (his first success in 1923), I figli del marchese Lucera (1935) and Lettere d'amore (1939). In Bologna Gherardi founded the Teatro Sperimentale , in addition he worked as a critic for the magazine "Film". From 1935 onwards he wrote numerous drafts, scripts and dialogues for films, some of which were very successful with audiences, such as Amo te sola , I due sergenti and Mille lire al mese . Some works were also created based on his own templates. He worked three times with Vittorio De Sica .

In 1943 Gherardi directed his only film in collaboration with Antonio Rossi ; Il nostro prossimo was designed based on a comedy by Alfredo Testoni .

Filmography (selection)

  • 1935: Amo te sola
  • 1943: Il nostro prossimo (also co-director)
  • 1948: Undici uomini e un pallone


  • 1964: Gherardo Gherardi. Commediografo e giornalista
  • 1998: Roberta Gandolfi, Giacomo Martini, Le forbici di Gherardi. Scritture per scena e schermo tra le due guerre, con contributi di Paola Bignami e Bruna Viteritti, Porretta Terme, I Quaderni del Battello Ebbro.

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. ^ Roberto Poppi: Dizionario del cinema italiano, I Registi, Gremese 2002, p. 203