Giacinto Morera

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Giacinto Morera

Giacinto Morera (born July 18, 1856 in Novara , Italy , † February 8, 1909 in Turin , Italy) was an Italian engineer and mathematician . He is known for Morera's theorem in function theory and for his work on linear elasticity .

Morera, whose father was a wealthy businessman, studied in Turin (Laurea's degree as an engineer in 1878 and in mathematics in 1879), in Pavia, Pisa and in Germany. In 1886, after a competition, he became professor of theoretical mechanics at the University of Genoa , where he stayed for fifteen years and was twice rector. In 1901 he succeeded Vito Volterra as professor at the University of Turin . He died of pneumonia within a few days at the age of 52.

He dealt mainly with mathematical physics and mechanics, for example, he treated in continuation of Paolo Pizzetti the attraction of an ellipsoid .

Morera was a member of the Accademia dei Lincei and the Academy in Turin.

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Individual evidence

  1. Morera Un teorema fondamentale nella teorica delle funzioni di una variabile complessa , Rendiconti del Reale Instituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere, Series II, Volume 19, 1886, pp. 304-307