Giambattista Gherardo d'Arco

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Giambattista Gherardo d'Arco (* 1739 in Arco , † 1791 ) was a national economic author.


He came from the Arco family and studied in Mantua , Parma and Verona . Because of his services, Joseph II appointed him secret councilor and director of Mantua. In this office he founded an agriculture school for orphans and supported painters in the harsh winter of 1782. Due to illness, he had to resign and retired to the country. He owned a collection of sculptures that he later bequeathed to a museum in Mantua. Among other things, it contained a bust of Virgil .

Arco's nephew Carlo d'Arco was an art historian, painter and also an economist.


Giambattista Gherardo d'Arco wrote works on economics. His treatise from 1772 Dell 'armonia politico – economica tra la città ed il suo territorio was awarded by the Academy of Sciences and Arts in Padua , ensured that d'Arco could join several societies and awards from Frederick II and Ferdinand, Duke from Parma . The other writings in this area were included in Economisti italiani, parte moderna (Milan 1804, Volumes 30 and 31). In addition, he dealt with constitutional law, art, philosophy and history.


  • Dell 'armonia politico – economica tra la città ed il suo territorio (1772)
  • Dell 'Annona (1775)
  • Dell 'influenza del commercio sull' economia interna dei popoli, e sulla prosperità degli stati (1778)
  • Risposta al quesito: Se in uno Stato di Terreno fertile debbasi più particolarmente favorire l'estrazione delle materie prime, oppure quella dei prodotti delle manifatture (1780)
  • Del diritto ai transiti (1784)
  • Del Fundamento del Diritto di punire
  • De 'fundamenti e limiti della paterna Autorità
  • Sordello
  • Della forza comica
  • Della patria primitiva delle arti del disegno
