Giovanni Antonio de Groot

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The peace negotiations between Claudius Civilis and Quintus Petillis Cerialis. Fresco in the Paleis op de Dam in Amsterdam (around 1698)

Giovanni Antonio de Groot , also de Grott (born June 13, 1664 in Arona ; died December 17, 1712 in Scopa ) was an Italian painter of Dutch origin.


Giovanni Antonio de Groot was the son of the painter Riccardo de Groot from Naarden in Holland and the Orsola de Capitani from Arona. There is little reliable information about de Groot, according to the contemporary Milanese historian Lazzaro Agostino Cotta (1706) he learned to paint in Milan, Rome and Venice. In 1694 he traveled to the Netherlands because of his father's inheritance and in 1697 had a decoration order for the wedding of Anna Maria Franziska von Sachsen-Lauenburg and Gian Gastone de 'Medici in the electoral palace in Düsseldorf . In 1698 he worked at the Paleis op de Dam in Amsterdam . From 1699 he stayed in Milan and in 1703 married Maria Caterina Topini from Scopa . From 1700 he also worked for the Alberganti family in Varallo and in 1709 was accepted into the citizenship (Vicinanza) of Varallo. In Varallo he was commissioned to paint the collegiate church of San Gaudenzio.


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Individual evidence

  1. cited in AKL, 2009. On Cotta see Franca Petrucci:  Cotta, Lazzaro Agostino. In: Alberto M. Ghisalberti (Ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 30:  Cosattini – Crispolto. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 1984.