Morita Tsunetomo

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Morita Tsunetomo

Morita Tsunetomo ( Japanese 森田 恒 友 ; born April 9, 1881 in Tamai (玉井), now part of Kumagaya ; died April 8, 1933 ) was a Japanese painter during the Meiji , Taishō and early Shōwa periods .

life and work

Morita Tsunetomo began his studies at the age of 23 at the Tōkyō School of Art (東京 美術 学校, Tōkyō bijutsu gakkō), the forerunner of today's Geidai . There he was a student of Koyama Shōtarō and Nakamura Fusetsu . In 1907 his picture "At the lake" (湖畔, Kohan) was accepted for the 1st art exhibition of the Ministry of Culture (文部省 美術展 覧 会; Mombushō bijutsu tenrankai). Together with Ishii Hakutei and Yamamoto Kanae , he published the magazine "Hōsun" (方寸) from 1907 onwards. In 1914/1915 he traveled to Europe, where he dealt with modern French art, especially with Paul Cézanne . In 1916 he joined the Department of Yoga of Nihon Bijutsuin . In 1922 he participated in the founding of the Shunyōkai artists' association (春陽). Up to the age of 51 he only painted landscapes, whereby the surroundings of his hometown were particularly close to his heart. In later years, the “Japanese style” approached with ink drawings in black .

Morita was also active as a writer: His works include the essay volume “Heiya zappitsu” (平野 雑 筆), where “Heiya” (平野) was his author's pseudonym, and “Tsunetomo gadan” (恒 友 画壇), both published in 1934. Kosugi Hōan published the work "Gasshū" (画集) in 1935.



  • Morita Tsunetomo . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists of the XX. Century. tape 3 : K-P . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1956, p. 424 .

Web links

Commons : Morita Tsunetomo  - collection of images, videos and audio files