Giovanni Battista Tommasi

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73. Grand Master
SMOM 73. GM Giovanni Battista Tommasi.jpg
Giovanni Battista Tommasi
SMOM 73. GM Wappen.gif
Grandmaster coat of arms of Giovanni Battista Tommasi

Giovanni Battista Tommasi de Cortona (born October 6, 1731 in Italy , † June 13, 1805 in Catania in Sicily , Italy) was the 73rd Grand Master of the Order of Malta from February 9, 1803 until his death (1805) .

Tommasi was the last Grand Master of the Order recognized by the Pope for 75 years .

During his brief reign, the order, expelled from Malta in 1798, was in exile in Messina until February 1804 , then in Catania. Only after his death did the order - led by a Luogotenente del magisterio (governor of the Grand Magisterium) for 75 years - move its exile to Rome for the next 21 years , then to Ferrara in 1826 , and then to settle in Rome from 1834.

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predecessor Office successor
Paul of Russia Grand Master of the Order of Malta
Johann Baptist Ceschi a Santa Croce