Giovanni Omboni

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Giovanni Omboni (born June 30, 1829 in Abbiategrasso , † February 1, 1910 in Padua ) was an Italian geologist and paleontologist .


Stefania Omboni-Etzerodt

After graduating from high school in Milan, Omboni studied engineering and mathematics in Pavia, interrupted by participation in the uprisings of the 1848 revolution. In 1852 he received his laureate in mathematics in Pavia, but was already more interested in natural sciences and geology and was a student of Giuseppe Gabriel Balsamo-Crivelli . He wrote textbooks on natural history for schools, spent a year in Paris for further training in natural sciences and, with Emilio Cornalia, reorganized the geological collections in the Natural History Museum in Milan. In 1869 he became professor of geology and mineralogy in Padua. There he expanded the natural history museum and acquired the collection of Achille De Zigno in 1892 . His successor in Padua was his student Giorgio Dal Piaz .

He published an early geological map of Italy in 1856 and was also involved in initiating the geological survey of Italy. He was a pioneer in the study of glacier tracks in the foothills of the Alps, often in conflict with Antonio Stoppani . He wrote natural history textbooks for schools that were widely used at the time.

He was co-founder and secretary of the Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali and the Società Geologica Italiana, of which he was president in 1892.

His Belgian wife Stefania Etzerodt was a champion for women's rights in Padua.


  • Elementi di storia naturale, 4 volumes, Milan 1852 to 1854 (volumes on zoology, geology, mineralogy).
  • Cenni sullo stato geologico dell'Italia, Milan 1856 (Appendix to Corso di geologia by François Sulpice Beudant )
  • Cenni sulla carta geologica della Lombardia, Vallardi, Milano 1861.
  • I ghiacciai antichi e il terreno erratico di Lombardia, in: Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali, Volume 3, 1861, p. 70.
  • Primi elementi di scienze naturali e d'igiene, Milan, 1863 and more
  • Manuale di Storia naturale, Milan, 1864 and more
  • Penne fossili del Monte Bolca, Venice 1865.
  • Guida elementare per lo studio pratico della mineralogia, Milan 1868.
  • Compendio di mineralogia e geologia, Milan 1871.
  • Nota intorno a due antichi ghiacciai che hanno lasciato le loro tracce nei sette comuni, Venice 1876.
  • Come s'è fatta l'Italia. Saggio di geologia popolare, Verona 1876, 2nd edition 1881
  • Manuale di storia naturale ad uso dei ginnasi e licei, 5 volumes 1887
  • Rocce e fossili. Sunto di alcune lezioni di geologia, Padua 1889
  • Il gabinetto di geologia della r. Universita di Padova, Padua 1898.

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