Girolamo Piatti

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Girolamo Piatti , born Ottavio (* 1548 in Milan , † August 14, 1591 in Rome ) was an Italian Jesuit .

De cardinalis dignitate et officio , 1746

Live and act

He studied law in Pavia without ever obtaining a degree or title. When he went to Milan to join the Capuchin Order , he found himself confronted with the objections of his father and finally had to wait until 1568 when the Piatti family decided to join the Jesuits after a stay in Rome . During the novitiate he changed his name to Girolamo, after his father and became a companion of the future Saint Stanislao Koska , in order to finally take the vow of the Jesuit order (May 29, 1583).

In the course of his life he received various assignments, at times he was assistant to the secretary of the Compagnia Diego Jiménez , secretary to the assistant of Germany and France and master of novices . The novices included personalities such as Aloisius von Gonzaga and the Scot William Elphinston . Piatti collected notebooks about the life of Gonzaga and published them in his Vocatio Aloysii Gonzagae ad Societatem Jesu and finally wrote the biography of Elphinston, Vita Gugliemi Elphinstonij novitii Societatis Iesu . Among his most important works, which have achieved a certain reach, there is also a treatise on religious life, written in Latin, De bono status religiosi . The work contains three volumes, Benefit, Dignity and Serenity of the Religious State and deals with the function of the everyday cleric who is dedicated to the service of God and the rejection of material goods, which for Piatti represents Christian perfection. In the years that followed he wrote on a few pages and finally lost a treatise on marriage, De bono status conjugalis.

In the wake of historical events and the Protestant Reformation , which had attacked the image of the powerful and wealthy clergymen, Piatti wrote the treatise De cardinalis dignitate et officio , in which he redefined the role of the cardinal. This type of treatise developed towards the end of the sixteenth century in order to be able to better define and challenge the moral qualities of churchmen, in this case the cardinal. In the work De cardinalis dignitate et officio , Piatti describes the behavior and lifestyle of the cardinal, which he defines as the model to be followed, since he is considered an example of Christian moderation. In addition, he dedicates a detailed description to the dignitas cardinalizia, which puts the cardinals in a position in which they immediately succeed the sovereign pontiff and are also superior to any other position, also in view of the general superiority of ecclesiastical dignity over secular Would. The Milanese Jesuit also advocates the concept of jus divinum cardinalatus and imposes a responsibility on the cardinal that goes well beyond the simple government of the Church, but also extends to a role of protecting and guiding all of humanity.

Piatti died in Rome on August 14, 1591.


  • Vocatio Aloysii [Gonzagae] ad Societatem Iesu scripta anno primo tirocinii eius per Hieronymum Platum SJ tunc confessarium ejusdem , in Acta Sanctorum , 1883.
  • Vita Gugliemi Elphinstonij novitii Societatis Iesu , 1584.
  • Hieronymi Plati ex Societate Jesu de bono status religiosi libri tres, Romae, apud Jacobum Tornerium , 1590.
  • De bono status conjugalis .
  • (LA) De cardinalis dignitate et officio, Roma, Giovanni Zempel, 1746.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Paolo Broggio:  Girolamo Piatti. In: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI).


Web links

Commons : Girolamo Piatti  - collection of images, videos and audio files