Gisela Hundertmarck

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Gisela Hundertmarck (born May 20, 1930 in Duisburg-Hamborn , † December 1, 1997 in Poppenhausen ) was a German educationalist.

Live and act

She was the youngest of three girls of the engineer August Hermann Karl Hundertmarck and his wife Marie Emma Hermine, geb. Schrader. In 1950, she passed the Abitur at the Schiller-Gymnasium in Witten an der Ruhr. Because of the financially strained situation in her family, she completed a budget year at the renowned gymnastics school Schwarzerden in Gersfeld an der Rhön as a so-called work school student, especially since "you had room and board free and could earn some money for the following training" (ibid., P 114). Hundertmarck then trained as a gymnastics teacher and taught for seven years at her training center in Schwarzerden. Her growing interest in socio-educational problem areas led her to train as a youth leader, which she carried out from 1961 to 1963 with a Hessen scholarship in Kassel at the "Evangelischn Froebel seminar". The trained youth leader then studied psychology, sociology and education, first in Göttingen (with Heinrich Roth ) and then in Tübingen (with Andreas Flitner ) , made possible by a scholarship from the Viktor Gollancz Foundation . She completed her studies in 1969 with a doctorate. For her dissertation she had chosen the topic “Social Education in Kindergarten”. She used three groups of materials for her scientific work: a) participant observation, b) oral and written reports from practice and c) inclusion of the relevant scientific literature.

After graduating, Hundertmarck returned to her former training facility as a teacher in Kassel. As early as 1971 she took on a teaching position at the "Evangelical University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt". During this time she worked on the textbooks she and Hildegard Ulshoefer published for social pedagogues on the education of small children in three volumes: Volume 1: “Child - Family - Society”; Volume 2: "The malleability of the small child - threats and weaknesses" and Volume 3: "Institutions for raising young children". The textbooks made a significant contribution to addressing the research gap within toddler education at the time, especially since the editors attached great importance to an interdisciplinary presentation of the various scientific disciplines (such as sociology, psychology, medicine, law, etc.).

In July 1975, Hundertmarck was appointed to a chair for educational science (with a focus on pre-school education) at the University of Münster. After three years as a university professor, she took over the management of the department for social affairs, health and sport in the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry. As a consultant or ministerial advisor, she was responsible for the design of day care facilities for children, for the integration of disabled children and for the qualification of socio-educational specialists in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.

In addition to her professional obligations, Hundertmarck was involved in the “Working Group of the Supreme State Youth Authority”, in the “Social Professions” committee of the “German Association for Public and Private Welfare”, in the “Working Group for Youth Welfare” and in the “Pestalozzi-Fröbel Association”. (PFV). She was the first chairman of the board of the PFV (1974–1983) and the first chairman of the board of the school sponsoring association Schwarzerden / Rhön eV (1988–1996).

Works (selection)

  • Social education in kindergarten. Stuttgart 1969.
  • Educational group work - discussed using the example of the kindergarten. In: D. Höltershinken (Ed.): Pre-school education. A documentation. Freiburg / Brsg. 1971, pp. 109-118.
  • Education for young children. Textbooks for social workers. 3 volumes. Munich 1972.
  • Social education: the child in the group. In: K. Meiers (Ed.): Pre-school education. Bad Heilbrunn 1973, pp. 152-159.
  • Game - chance of the child. The importance of the game for the child. In: Theory and Practice of Social Pedagogy. 1973, pp. 245-256.
  • Kindergarten. In: Willmann Institute Munich-Vienna (ed.): Dictionary of pedagogy in three volumes. Second volume, Freiburg / Basel / Vienna 1977, pp. 143–145.
  • Day care center. In: Willmann Institute Munich-Vienna (ed.): Dictionary of pedagogy in three volumes. Second volume, Freiburg / Basel / Vienna 1977, pp. 146–147.
  • Education for young children. In: Willmann Institute Munich-Vienna (ed.): Dictionary of pedagogy in three volumes. Second volume, Freiburg / Basel / Vienna 1977, pp. 156–158.
  • The group in kindergarten. In: H. Mörsberger, E. Moskal, E. Pflug (eds.): The kindergarten. Volume 2: The child in kindergarten. Freiburg 1978, pp. 127-140.
  • Training of educators. In: H. Hielscher (ed.): Early education in kindergartens. Preliminary classes and families. Hanover 1978, pp. 28-31.
  • Socialization in the kg group. In: MM Niermann (Ed.): Dictionary of pre-school education. 2, Heidelberg 1979, pp. 292-294.
  • Construction and equipping of day nurseries, crèches, KG. In: MM Niermann (Ed.): Dictionary of pre-school education. 1, Heidelberg 1979, pp. 40-41.
  • Entry into school as the beginning of a new phase in the child's education. In: G. Sennlaub, R. Christiani, G. Hundertmarck, E. Moskal and others: School - Parents - Kindergarten. Practiced cooperation. Düsseldorf 1979, pp. 105-106.
  • The mixed-age group. In: Our children. H. 2, 1980, pp. 33-36.
  • For the return of the 200th birthday of Friedrich Froebel. In: German Caritas Association e. V. (Ed.): Caritas '82. Yearbook of the German Caritas Association. Freiburg 1982, pp. 118-123.


  • Manfred Berger : A life for social education. On the death of Gisela Hundertmarck. In: Our youth. H. 5, 1998, p. 196.
  • Manfred Berger: A life for kindergarten education. In memoriam Gisela Hundertmarck. In: Science and Practice in Dialog. No. 69, 1998, p. 17.
  • Sigrid Ebert: On the death of Gisela Hundertmarck - an obituary. In: Membership circular of the Pestalozzi-Froebel Association. January 1998, p. 1.

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