Giulio Superchio

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Giulio Superchio (also Soverchio ; * in Mantua ; † 1585 ) was a Roman Catholic bishop .

Giulio Superchio was a member of the order of the Carmelite Congregation of Mantua.

He was bishop of Accia from 1561 to 1563 and thus the last bishop of Accia in Corsica. The diocese of Accia was merged with the diocese of Mariana to form the diocese of Accia and Mariana (from 1801 diocese of Ajaccio ). He was then appointed Bishop of Caorle .

In 1563 he was appointed prelate of the pilgrimage church of S. Maria Della Consolazione (St. Mary of Consolation) and other churches by Giovanni Trevisan , the Patriarch of Venice.

Individual evidence

  1. Giovanni P. Limperani ". Istoria Della Corsica Da 'Tirreni Suoi Primi Abitatori Fin Al Secolo XVIII" Salomoni 1780, page 483
  2. Flaminio Cornaro: “Note storiche delle chiese e monasteri di Venezia, e di Torcello, tratte dalle chiese venezian, e torcellane”, FNella stamperia del Seminario appresso G. Manfrè 1758, page 678
predecessor Office successor
Agostini Salvago Bishop of Accia