Giuseppe Grippa

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Giuseppe Grippa (* 1744 in Naples , † after 1816) was an Italian writer and politician of the Kingdom of Naples and the Neapolitan Republic from 1799.

La scienza della legislazione sindacata , 1784

He pursued various interests, including in the fields of economics, politics, mathematics and astronomy, but he was primarily known for his arguments with Gaetano Filangieri about the role of the barony .


He was born in Naples in 1744 to Francesco Grippa and Antonia Bonanni.

As a member of the new intellectual, southern Italian bourgeoisie , he was publicly interested in the political and economic questions of the Kingdom of Naples . From 1774 he was appointed physics and astronomy lecturer at the Scuola regia di Salerno and in 1780, when it was founded, he became a member of the Reale Accademia di scienze e belle lettere of Naples. In 1782, two years after the publication of La scienza della legislazione by Gaetano Filangieri , Grippa wrote a pamphlet to the famous philosopher , in which he not only emphasized the need for a constitutional monarchy in an anti-ideotic function, but also the use of the barony as an intermediary defended. Even after Filangieri's death in 1788, the dispute was carried on by their supporters. From 1784 to 1786 Grippa published his work La scienza della legislazione sindacata ; During these years the rest of Europe also learned of the polemics between them and Grippa's position through the translations of Filangieri's works.

In 1789, Grippa was one of the founders of Magazzino enciclopedico salernitano , the first magazine of the kingdom dedicated to the province of Salernos , in line with the position of Antonio Genovesi . With the establishment of the short Neapolitan republic in 1799, Grippa changed his position, he became a fervent advocate of this very republic and held a political office for a few months. With the return of the Bourbon rulers, he was initially imprisoned and finally ended up in exile in France . He went to Turin when the city was occupied by French troops and began teaching at the new math school in Casale Monferrato . When he finally returned to his homeland, he refused to resume his teaching career. Instead, he tried to hold other political offices, but to no avail.

He died in 1816, the date is unknown.


  • La scienza della legislazione sindacata, vol. 1, Napoli, Amato Cons, 1784.
  • La scienza della legislazione sindacata, vol. 2, Napoli, Amato Cons, 1786.


  • Antonello Pizzaleo: GRIPPA, Giuseppe . Ed .: Dizionario biografico degli italiani. vol. 59. Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma 2002 ( ).

Web links

Commons : Giuseppe Grippa  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h GRIPPA, Giuseppe in "Dizionario Biografico". Retrieved July 1, 2020 (it-IT).