Vitreous detachment

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Classification according to ICD-10
H43.8 Other vitreous affections - vitreous detachment
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

As vitreous detachment (old term vitreous detachment ) is the separation of the vitreous from the top and back of the retina called. This can happen as a result of the aging process, but also through injuries. Often large-scale liquefaction of the vitreous substance is then found inside the eye. Depending on the severity, the affected person can observe ring-shaped or snake-shaped lines ( floaters , ie "flying mosquitos") in the center of the visual field when this eye moves . Flashes of light in the periphery are also observed. They come from places in the eye where the vitreous humor is still attached to the retina.

The liquefaction of the vitreous humor can also be accompanied by retinal detachment . There are no clear statistics for how many patients the latter is the case. Numbers of 10–40% are in circulation.

If a doctor recognizes a vitreous detachment, he is obliged under German law to inform his patient about the risk of retinal detachment. If he fails to do so, he may be liable for damages after a judgment of the Federal Court of Justice .

Individual evidence

  1. Willibald Pschyrembel : Clinical Dictionary , 123. – 153. Edition, Walter de Gruyter , Berlin 1959, page 308: Vitreous detachment .
  2. Willibald Pschyrembel : Clinical Dictionary , 266th edition, Berlin and Boston 2014, page 786.
  3. ^ Günter Thiele (editor): Handlexikon der Medizin , Urban & Schwarzenberg , Munich, Berlin, Baltimore no year, Volume 2, F – K, p. 904.
  4. ^ BGH, judgment of November 16, 2004 , Az. VI ZR 328/03, full text.