Articles of Faith (Mormonism)

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When the Articles of Faith of Mormonism one is creed of Joseph Smith called. The founder of the religion and prophet Smith formulated the Articles of Faith in 1842 in a letter to the editor of the Chicago Democrat John Wentworth . They first appeared in the Mormon Times and Seasons newspaper . The Articles of Faith are a brief summary of thirteen fundamental doctrines of Mormonism. Most Mormon churches see the Articles of Faith as explanations of the theological foundations of Mormonism. Some churches, such as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints , have adopted the Articles of Faith as scriptures (see Pearl of Great Price ).


The Articles of Faith are reproduced here:

Articles 1-4

Articles one to four are named as follows:

"1. We believe in God the Eternal Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit.

2. We believe that man will be punished for his own sins and not for Adam's transgressions.

3. We believe that through the Atonement of Christ all people can be saved by obeying the laws and ordinances of the gospel.

4. We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the gospel are: first, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, repentance; third, immersion baptism for the forgiveness of sins; fourth, the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Spirit. "

The first four articles describe the theological basis of Mormonism. The first describes the rejection of the Trinity , the second specifically condemns original sin , the third describes belief in atonement , and the fourth describes the sacraments of faith.

Articles 5-6

The fifth and sixth articles describe how the Church should be organized:

"5. We believe that through prophecy and the laying on of hands of those in authority, one must be called of God to preach the gospel and perform His ordinances.

6. We believe in the same organization that existed in the early Church, namely apostles, prophets, shepherds, teachers, evangelists, etc. ”

Articles 7–9

Articles 7 to 9 explain the sources of revelation : gifts of the Holy Spirit , in the Bible and the Book of Mormon , further revelations.

"7. We believe in the gift of speaking in tongues , prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpreting in tongues, etc.

8. We believe that the Bible, when properly translated, is the word of God; we also believe that the Book of Mormon is the word of God.

9. We believe everything that God has revealed and everything that He reveals now; and we believe that he will reveal much more great and important things concerning the kingdom of God. "

Articles 10-12

Articles 10 to 12 describe the gathering of Israel, establish an ethic for religious freedom and appropriate behavior of church members in society:

"10. We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and the restoration of the Ten Tribes that Zion (the New Jerusalem) on this [i.e. H. the American] continent, that Christ will personally rule the earth, and that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.

11. We claim the right to worship Almighty God as our conscience commands us, and we grant the same right to all people, may they worship how or where or what they want.

12. We believe that it is right to be subject to kings, presidents, rulers and authorities and to obey the law, to respect it and to stand up for it. "

Article 13

Article 13 describes how you should behave yourself. The allusion to the "admonition of Paul" should be ( Phil 4,8  EU ).

"13. We believe that it is right to be honest, loyal, chaste, kind and virtuous and to do good to all people; yes, we can say that we follow Paul's admonition - we believe everything, we hope everything, we have endured a lot and hope to be able to endure everything. If there is something virtuous or lovable, if something has a good sound or is praiseworthy, we strive for it. "


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