Global Slavery Index

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Share of people living in modern slavery (2013)

The Global Slavery Index (GSI) is a project of the Walk Free Foundation based in Nedlands near Perth , Western Australia . The Walk Free Foundation conducts country studies on human trafficking and slavery . The Global Slavery Index is composed of three main indicators: the prevalence of slavery and slavery-like conditions per country, the vulnerability of the respective societies and the reaction of the national government.

The susceptibility model to slavery uses five dimensions:

  1. Governance issues
  2. Lack of satisfaction of basic needs
  3. Social inequalities
  4. Disenfranchised groups
  5. Effects of Conflict

The GSI has appeared in 4 editions so far (2013, 2014, 2016, most recently 2018) and assumes 40.3 million slaves as of 2016, of which 71 percent were female, 15.4 million people were forcibly married , 24.9 million people were in forced labor . The GSI assumes that there are around 167,000 modern slaves in Germany, 15,000 in Austria and 14,000 in Switzerland. The index is designed to measure success in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal 8.7 (Take immediate and effective action to abolish forced labor, end modern slavery and human trafficking, and prohibit and eradicate the worst forms of child labor, including recruitment and deployment of child soldiers, and put an end to all forms of child labor by 2025).

The related report Global Estimates of Modern Slavery , supported by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), is also published together with the International Labor Organization and the International Organization for Migration . The 2017 report focused on forced labor and marriage, examining government-imposed forced labor, forced labor in the private sector, and sexual exploitation of adults and children.


The Global Slavery Index has been criticized for its method of estimating the prevalence of slavery in its 2013-2016 editions. The 2016 values ​​were based on a Gallup survey in 25 countries. The results were extrapolated from these countries to non-surveyed countries with a similar risk profile. The 2018 index showed significant methodological improvements, primarily through an increase in the country coverage of the survey and the approach in which the extrapolation was carried out for countries without survey results.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Vulnerability Model, Variable descriptions and sources , Table 15
  2. GSI: Highlights.
  3. You thought there are no slaves in Germany? Think again. In: Watson , July 21, 2018
  4. ^ GSI: Germany.
  5. Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labor and Forced Marriage , Geneva, 2017
  6. ^ Gallup, Inc .: What If You Were the Leading Source? (en-us) . In: .