Gloria Dei (Rose)

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Gloria Dei (Rose)
Synonyms 'Gioia', 'Mme A. Meilland', 'Madame Antoine Meilland', 'Peace'
group Hybrid tea
origin France
breeder Meilland
Launch 1945

Cross of
[(Georges Dickson × Sir de Claudius Pernet) × (Joanna Hill × Ch. P. Kilham)] × Margaret MacGredy

List of rose varieties

'Gloria Dei' is one of the most common and popular yellow roses in the world. It was marketed in France in 1945 by the rose grower Francis Meilland. The large, double yellow flowers have a narrow transition zone to pink on the edge of the outer petals.


The breeder sent his colleagues in Germany, Italy, England and the USA refinements. The Second World War prevented an understanding among themselves; in Germany she was given the name 'Gloria Dei' ( Latin for: “Honor be God”), in Italy 'Gioia' ( Italian for: “Joy”); in her home country she was dedicated to the mother of the breeder: 'Mme A. Meilland' or 'Madame A. Meilland' ; the Switzerland later took the name.

The Baptism of the rose in the US in the name of 'Peace' ( English peace "peace") took place on 29. April 1945 - coincidentally on the day of the storm of the Soviet army to Berlin . At the first General Assembly of the United Nations , each delegate received one of these new roses, with the hint that peace is the most important goal in this world, so that our children and grandchildren can enjoy this world with this rose for a long time to come.

'Peace', which is still traded as 'Gloria Dei' in Germany, was sold around 30,000,000 times in the first ten years of peace and in 1976 was the first rose to be crowned the world rose .

Properties and use

The slightly fragrant rose blooms more often, i. that is, it blooms several times in the season, which runs from June to frost. Its large, double flowers are initially golden yellow with a reddish edge, but lighten over time to a light yellow with a pale pink tinge. They usually sit individually and have a diameter of 12-14 cm.

The shrub grows upright and branches, becomes 80 to 150 cm high and is very resistant - both to weather influences and to diseases. 'Gloria Dei' is suitable as a garden rose as well as a cut rose and can be grown individually, in groups or as a container plant.


There are several sports of the rose 'Peace' that have retained the good qualities of the variety. 'Chicago Peace' (Johnston, USA , 1962) has stronger flower colors; 'Kronenbourg' ( McGredy , Northern Ireland, 1966) and 'Climbing Kronenbourg' have dark red flowers with a yellow reverse side; 'Climbing Peace' ( Kordes , Germany, 1951) climbs up to 5 meters.


  • 1976: World rose
  • 1965: Golden Rose of The Hague
  • 1947: ARS GM
  • 1947: NRS GM
  • 1946: AARS
  • 1944: Portland GM


Commons : Rosa 'Mme A. Meilland'  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files

See also


  • Charles & Brigid Quest-Ritson: Roses: The Great Encyclopedia . The Royal Horticultural Society. Translation: Susanne Bonn; Editor: Agnes Pahler., Dorling Kindersley, Starnberg 2004, ISBN 3-8310-0590-7 . P. 263.
  • Alois people: roses from A to Z . Munich: GU 2005, ISBN 3-7742-6774-X
  • Andrea Rausch: Dumonts Little Rose Lexicon, Cologne: Dumont 2003, ISBN 3-8320-8799-0
  • Roger Phillips, Martyn Rix: Rosarium: Ulmers Großes Rosenbuch, Stuttgart: Ulmer 2005, ISBN 3-8001-4776-9

Web links

Commons : Rosa 'Gloria Dei'  - album with pictures, videos and audio files