Go fushimi

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Go-Fushimi ( Japanese 後 伏 見 天皇 , Go-Fushimi-tennō ; * April 5, 1288 ; † May 17, 1336 ) was the 93rd Tennō of Japan (August 30, 1298-2 March 1301). His birth name was Tanehito (胤 仁). His reign included the Einin eras and the Shōan era according to the old Japanese calendar.


Tanehito was the eldest son of Fushimi -tennō. Both belong to the Jimyōin-tō branch of the Japanese imperial family.

He was u. a. married to Saionji (Fujiwara) Yasuko / Neishi ( 西 園 寺 寧 子 ). One of his wives was " Ichijō no tsubone ", a younger sister of the Senkōmon-in Saneko. At first she was a lady-in-waiting.


  • first daughter: Princess Junshi ( 珣 子 内 親王 )
  • third son: Prince Kazuhito ( 量 仁 親王 ) (first opposing nō Kōgon )
  • fifth son: Prince Kagehito ( 景仁 親王 )
  • second daughter: Princess Kenshi / Kaneko ( 兼 子 内 親王 )
  • ninth son: Prince Yutahito ( 豊 仁 親王 ) (second opposing nō Kōmyō )


Tanehito was named Crown Prince of Japan in 1289 . After Fushimi's abdication in 1298, he assumed the Japanese emperor. The military power lay with the shogunate and the Hōjō family , who decided behind the scenes on the imperial hierarchy. Go-Fushimi abdicated as early as 1301, because the Daikakuji line ( Daikakuji-to , 大 覚 寺 統 ) of the imperial family carried out a successful coup against him.

His successor in office was Go-Nijō -tennō, a son of Go-Uda -tennō. Both belonged to the Daikakuji line, which descended from the Kameyama -tennō.

Even after his dethronement, he was involved in government affairs as a resigned Tennō.

Go-Fushimi was the author of a famous prayer to the god of the Kamo shrine . In this prayer he called this god to help his son ascend the Japanese imperial throne.

He was the father of Kōmyō- tennō and Kōgon -tennō, the ruling Gegenennō from the Ashikaga clan in the early 14th century , who had their seat of government in Kyoto .

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predecessor Office successor
Fushimi Tennō