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1332 |
1333 |
1334 |
1335 |
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Calendar overview 1336
1336 | |
In Japan , troops loyal to the emperor lose the battle at Minatogawa against the rebel army of Ashikaga Takauji . | |
1336 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 784/785 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 1328/29 |
Aztec calendar | 12. Tubes - Matlactli omome Acatl (until the end of January / beginning of February 11th Rabbit - Matlactli ozce Tochtli ) |
Buddhist calendar | 1879/80 (southern Buddhism); 1878/79 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 67th (68th) cycle
Year of the Fire Rat丙子 ( at the beginning of the year wood pig 乙亥) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 698/699 (turn of the year April) |
Iranian calendar | 714/715 |
Islamic calendar | 736/737 (New Year 9/10 August) |
Jewish calendar | 5096/97 (September 6-7) |
Coptic calendar | 1052/53 |
Malayalam calendar | 511/512 |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 1646/47 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 1647/48 (turn of the year October) |
Spanish era | 1374 |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1392/93 |
Politics and world events
- January 24th : With the death of his father Alfonso IV , Peter IV becomes King of Aragon . He does not stick to his father's will and withholds the great goods that Alfonso gave to his stepmother Eleanor of Castile and his half-brothers, who fled to Castile before Alfonso's death. That leads to a conflict between the two countries.
- 25 February : Defense of Pilėnai : The Lithuanian castle of Prince Margiris in the Trapėnai region, Schemeitien, is attacked by the Teutonic Order with German knights and knights from Belgium, Austria and France.
- June 7th : In Zurich , after a storm on the town hall under Rudolf Brun , the Brunsche guild constitution gives merchants the same rights as knights .
- July 29th : The arm leather uprising under Arnold III begins with a massacre of the Jewish community in Röttingen . from Uissigheim . The "worn out nobleman", known as Armleder , is executed on November 14th .
- October 28 : Emperor Ludwig IV sends an embassy to the Pope. His "offer of alliance" was unsuccessful.
- The gentlemen from Treffurt are expelled from Treffurt . The rule Treffurt and the Bailiwick Dorla be in the next few centuries the archbishop of Mainz and the country counties Hesse and Thuringia - in its legal successor, the Hesse-Kassel and the Electorate of Saxony as - ganerbschaft managed.
Voyages of discovery
- From Lisbon in a fleet stands under the leadership of the Genoese Lance Malocello to sea to the end of the European world to explore closer to the West African coast. The sailors are said to be rediscovering Lanzarote, and thus the Canary Islands .
- July 5 : In Japan , troops loyal to the emperor under the command of Kusunoki Masashige and Nitta Yoshisada lose the battle of Minatogawa against the rebel army of Ashikaga Takauji , who then takes the imperial city of Kyoto . Emperor Go-Daigo then moves the court to Yoshino in the south, while Takauji uses Kōmyō on September 20 as a de facto powerless (counter) Tennō in Kyoto, thus ending the Kemmu restoration . The time of the north and south courts begins with the Ashikaga shogunate .
First documentary mentions
- Hüttlingen , Oberforstbach , Ueken and Weisenbach are first mentioned in a document.
- November 28 : Pope Benedict XII. publishes the Constitution Redemptor Noster , in which he forbids one side or the other to approve a matter of faith brought for examination before the Holy See before the Pope has decided on it.
- In the bull Benedictus Deus , Pope Benedict XII. the definition of the catholic doctrine of the visio beatifica , the “divine vision” of souls after death, which is still essentially valid today . The bull is considered to be issued ex cathedra , hence an irreversible teaching and clears up a teaching uncertainty that Benedict's predecessor Johannes XXII. triggered. He preferred the interpretation that the souls of the deceased rested "under the altar" (the human nature of Jesus) until the return of Christ.
Society and sport
- April 26th : The first ascent of Mont Ventoux in the French Provence by the poet Francesco Petrarca together with his brother is considered to be the birth of alpinism .
Date of birth saved
- March 12th : Eduard , Duke of Geldern († 1371 )
- March 24 : Edward le Despenser , English nobleman and military man († 1375 )
- April 8 : Timur , Central Asian conqueror and founder of the Timurid dynasty († 1405 )
- April 14 : Go-Kōgon , Japanese pretender to the throne († 1374 )
- April 23 : Olivier V. de Clisson , Connétable of France († 1407 )
- July 1 : Philippe de Valois , Duke of Orléans († 1375 )
- July 25 : Albrecht I , Duke of Bavaria († 1404 )
- August 24 : Jacob IV , titular king of Mallorca († 1375 )
- December 21 : Balthasar of Thuringia , Margrave of the Wettins († 1406 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Emecho II of Cochem , German Benedictine monk and abbot († 1401 )
- Dietrich I. von der Mark , Provost of the Cathedral in Cologne († 1406 )
- Cosma dei Migliorati, under the name of Innocent VII Pope († 1406 )
- Philip of Navarre , Count of Longueville († 1363 )
Born around 1336
- John Charlton , Welsh Marcher Lord († 1374 )
Date of death secured
- January 20 : John de Bohun , English magnate (* 1306 )
- January 24th : Alfonso IV , King of Aragon and Sardinia (* 1299 )
- March 27 : William Airmyn , Bishop of Norwich and Lord Chancellor of England
- May 15 : Arpa Ke'un , Ilkhan of Persia
- May 17th : Go-Fushimi , Emperor of Japan (* 1288 )
- May 23 : Wacław von Płock , Duke of Mazovia (* 1293 )
- June 4th : Guillaume Pierre Godin , Cardinal of the Roman Church (* 1260 )
- July 4th : Elizabeth of Portugal , Queen of Portugal and saint of the Catholic Church (* 1271 )

Statue of Kusunoki Masahige near the Imperial Palace in Tokyo
- July 5 : Kusunoki Masashige , Japanese folk hero (* 1294 )
- August 27 : Walram von Veldenz , Bishop of Speyer
- September 5 : Charles of Évreux , Count of Étampes (* 1305 )
- September 13 : John of Eltham , prince of the English royal dynasty Plantagenet (* 1316 )
- September 30th : Catherine of Savoy , Princess of Savoy
- October 9 : Heinrich III. von Metz , Cistercian Abbot, Imperial Chancellor and Prince-Bishop of Trento
- October 31 : Elisabeth of Hungary , Dominican and Princess of Hungary (* 1292/93)
- November 2nd : Albert von Enn , Bishop of Brixen
- November 14th : Arnold III. von Uissigheim , Franconian knight (* around 1298 )
Exact date of death unknown
- September: Ramon Muntaner , Catalan chronicler (* 1265 )
- November: Edward I , Count of Bar (* 1296 )
- Jordanus Catalanus de Severac , first Catholic bishop of the Latin rite in India (* around 1290)
- Kham Fu , King of Lan Na in Northern Thailand
- Lestko , Duke of Ratibor (* 1290/91)
- Margiris , Prince of Lower Lithuania
- Simon II , count of Sponheim (* around 1270)
- Richard von Wallingford , English mathematician, astronomer and abbot (* 1292 )
Died around 1336
- Peter Mauley , English nobleman (* 1281 )
Web links
Commons : 1336 - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
- Meister Eckhart and his time: Wilhelm Petrus von Godino