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| 13th century | 14th century | 15th century |
| 1300s | 1310s | 1320s | 1330s | 1340s | 1350s | 1360s |
◄◄ | | 1332 | 1333 | 1334 | 1335 | 1336 | 1337 | 1338 | 1339 | 1340 | | ►►

Heads of State · Nekrolog

Battle formation in the Battle of Minatogawa
In Japan , troops loyal to the emperor lose the battle at Minatogawa against the rebel army of Ashikaga Takauji .
1336 in other calendars
Armenian calendar 784/785 (turn of the year July)
Ethiopian calendar 1328/29
Aztec calendar 12. Tubes - Matlactli omome Acatl (until the end of January / beginning of February 11th Rabbit - Matlactli ozce Tochtli )
Buddhist calendar 1879/80 (southern Buddhism); 1878/79 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana )
Chinese calendar 67th (68th) cycle

Year of the Fire Rat丙子 ( at the beginning of the year wood pig 乙亥)

Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) 698/699 (turn of the year April)
Iranian calendar 714/715
Islamic calendar 736/737 (New Year 9/10 August)
Jewish calendar 5096/97 (September 6-7)
Coptic calendar 1052/53
Malayalam calendar 511/512
Seleucid era Babylon: 1646/47 (turn of the year April)

Syria: 1647/48 (turn of the year October)

Spanish era 1374
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) 1392/93


Politics and world events


  • January 24th : With the death of his father Alfonso IV , Peter IV becomes King of Aragon . He does not stick to his father's will and withholds the great goods that Alfonso gave to his stepmother Eleanor of Castile and his half-brothers, who fled to Castile before Alfonso's death. That leads to a conflict between the two countries.
Monument to the defenders of Pilėnai Castle in Punia , Alytus district

Voyages of discovery

  • From Lisbon in a fleet stands under the leadership of the Genoese Lance Malocello to sea to the end of the European world to explore closer to the West African coast. The sailors are said to be rediscovering Lanzarote, and thus the Canary Islands .


Emperor Kōmyō

First documentary mentions


Pope Benedict XII.
  • In the bull Benedictus Deus , Pope Benedict XII. the definition of the catholic doctrine of the visio beatifica , the “divine vision” of souls after death, which is still essentially valid today . The bull is considered to be issued ex cathedra , hence an irreversible teaching and clears up a teaching uncertainty that Benedict's predecessor Johannes XXII. triggered. He preferred the interpretation that the souls of the deceased rested "under the altar" (the human nature of Jesus) until the return of Christ.

Society and sport

Mont Ventoux in the evening sun from the southwest


Date of birth saved

Exact date of birth unknown

Born around 1336


Date of death secured

The Gothic high tomb of Queen Elisabeth in Coimbra
Statue of Kusunoki Masahige near the Imperial Palace in Tokyo

Exact date of death unknown

Died around 1336

Web links

Commons : 1336  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files