Goethe quotes

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Under Goethe quotations are understood primarily key sentences from the works of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe , who do not rarely winged words in terms of the collection of quotations from teacher Georg Büchmann have become and partly go far beyond this narrow frame.

One difficulty with (supposed) Goethe quotations in the 19th and 20th centuries was the concrete verification of these passages in his works. Some of the quotations were only ascribed to the writer, e.g. For example: "Collectors are happy people" (no evidence from Goethe). Bertolt Brecht took advantage of this uncertainty as a pupil by constantly inventing Goethe quotes and presenting them to support his views. Allegedly, this could never be proven to him during his school days, since no teacher was sure that he knew all of the Goethe quotes.

Until the middle of the 20th century, only the Weimar edition and the Goethe dictionary were available for the determination . Comprehensive auxiliary books and dictionaries were added later . First of all, the Lexicon of Goethe Quotes (1968) by the librarian Richard Dobel must be mentioned. It provides precise text passages based on the commemorative edition (Zurich 1949 ff.) And is widespread today.

At the beginning of the 21st century, Ernst Lautenbach presented a new collection with his Lexicon Goethe-Zitate (Munich, 2004) in the form of a selection for the 21st century, which now also contains evidence from work and life as well as explanations and a chronicle. Since the usability of various editions of the work was assumed, the evidence is not so narrow (as with Dobel).

Web links

Wikiquote: Goethe  - Quotes