Gold neck weaver

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Gold neck weaver
Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Weaver birds (Ploceidae)
Subfamily : Ploceinae
Genre : Ploceus
Type : Gold neck weaver
Scientific name
Ploceus aureonucha
Sassi , 1920

The gold- necked weaver ( Ploceus aureonucha ) belongs within the family of weaver birds (Ploceidae) to the genus of bunting ( Ploceus ).

The Latin additional species comes from the Latin aureus 'gold-colored' and the Latin nuchus 'neck' .

The bird is found in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and adjacent in Uganda in the Semliki National Park .

The distribution area includes tropical or subtropical moist deep forest, forest edges and tall trees in the secondary forest .


The species is 12 cm tall. The male is black on the forehead and forehead, orange-brown on the neck, has a golden-yellow collar with a yellow back line. The top, including the wing-coverts and the top of the tail, is black, the underside of the tail white, which distinguishes it from the otherwise similarly feathered three-color weaver ( Ploceus tricolor ). The chest is dark brown. The iris is dark, while the Gelbfußweber ( Ploceus flavipes ) and Mohr Weber ( Ploceus nigerrimus is) light. The female is black on the upper side, has a reddish brown crown, pale yellow collar, the underside changes from coal black on the throat to whitish on the under tail feathers. In juveniles, the crown is slightly brownish, the collar is missing.

Some authors are of the opinion that it could be a hybrid between, for example, black weaver (Ploceus nigerrimus) and three-color weaver (Ploceus tricolor).

The species is monotypical .


The male's song is described as a gentle chatter.

Way of life

The diet consists mainly of insects and fruits that are sought in the treetops.

The breeding season is probably between September and June.

Hazardous situation

The stock is considered endangered . It is threatened by habitat loss.


  • M. Sassi:  Ploceus (Melanopleryx) aureonucha. In: Ornithological monthly reports . Vol. 28, 1920, p. 81, Biodiversity Library

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Goldnackenweber , in Avibase - The World Bird Database
  2. ^ JA Jobling: A Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names. Oxford University Press. 1991. ISBN 0-19-854634-3 .
  3. ^ M. Wilson, RB Payne, LL Payne & S. Baboaineki: First record of Golden-naped Weaver Ploceus aureonucha in Uganda. In: Bulletins of the African Bird Club , Vol. 14, No. 2, 2007, pp. 200-202
  4. a b c d e Handbook of the Birds of the World
  5. Old World sparrows, snowfinches, weavers
  6. Redlist