Gottlieb Keim

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Germ as Bayreuth

Gottlieb Keim (born March 10, 1783 in Kulmbach ; † August 29, 1868 in Bayreuth ) was a member of the Frankfurt National Assembly .


During his law studies in Erlangen, Keim became a member of the Corps Onoldia , from which he left due to differences. With like-minded fellow students from the Bayreuth area, he then founded a country team for Bayreuth students in 1803, which took the place of a Franconian country team that was in the process of being dissolved and gradually developed into the Corps Baruthia .

Set against Napoleon Bonaparte , he joined the Prussian judicial service after graduating. After Franconia had been occupied and handed over to Bavaria, he refused to be accepted into the Bavarian civil service (Bavaria had sided with the enemy).

He then became a freelance lawyer and city councilor in Bayreuth. The city sent him in 1848 as a member of the Frankfurt National Assembly .


  • Dieter Mronz: Gottlieb Friedr. Ferd. Keim 1783-1868 . Once and Now, Yearbook of the Association for Corporate Student History Research, Vol. 31 (1986), pp. 159–176
  • Egbert Weiß : Corps students in the Paulskirche , once and now, special issue 1990, p. 25.

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 37 , 1