Green (magazine)

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Green. The garden magazine

description Special interest general interest magazine
Area of ​​Expertise horticulture
language German
publishing company Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt (Germany)
First edition 1970
attitude 1974
Frequency of publication per month
editor Palatinate Association of Fruit and Horticultural Associations ; German Settlers Association, Saar Regional Association
ZDB 217096-6

Green. The garden magazine was a garden magazine that was created in 1970 as the result of a series of mergers of smaller garden magazines and existed until 1974. It was published by the Palatinate Association of Fruit and Horticultural Associations and the Saar Regional Association of the German Settlers Association , for which it also served as a communication organ, and appeared in the Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt .

Green emerged from the union of the magazines Gartenpost and Pflanzen und Garten , in which smaller magazines such as Siedler und Kleingärtner , Der Gartenfreund or Der Gartenbau had recently been absorbed. The sold circulation of Grün increased from around 20,000 at the beginning to around 100,000 copies, but the magazine was sold to Burda-Verlag , which incorporated it into My beautiful garden . As a result, my beautiful garden lost its most important competitor and became the German gardening magazine with the highest circulation.


  1. Westermann’s Volume 115, Part 1. Magazinpresse, 1974. P. IX.