Grave of the night (BH 21)

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Coordinates: 27 ° 55 ′ 45.5 ″  N , 30 ° 52 ′ 30.2 ″  E

Map: Egypt
Grave of the night (BH 21)

The Tomb of the Night (BH 21) is located in Beni Hasan and dates to the 12th Dynasty ( Middle Kingdom ). Nacht was the great head of the Gazellengau , mayor of Menat-Chufu and head of the eastern desert . The son of his predecessor, Chnumhotep I , officiated under Sesostris I or Amenemhet II. The decorated cult chapel of his grave consists of only one 8.38 × 9.42 meter room and is supported by two pillars carved into the rock. Only the south wall of this chapel is decorated. It shows the grave owner standing and offering bearers in front of him.


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