Gradimir Milovanović

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Gradimir V. Milovanović (born January 2, 1948 in Zorunovac , Knjaževac ) is a Serbian mathematician who deals with analysis and numerics.


Milovanovic studied at the University of Niš with an intermediate diploma in electrical engineering and computer science in 1971 and the diploma in 1974 and received his doctorate in mathematics in 1976 under Dragoslav Mitrinović (On some functional inequalities, Serbian). He then taught at the University of Niš, where he received a full professorship in 1986 and was rector from 2004 to 2006. From 2008 to 2011 he was at Megatrend University and from 2011 he has been a research professor at the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences.

He deals with orthogonal polynomials, interpolation, numerical integration, approximation by polynomials and splines, inequalities and polynomials (extremal problems, inequalities, zeros).

He was visiting professor at Purdue University , Potenza University and Pau University.

He is a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences (corresponding member from 2006, full member from 2012). From 2002 he was Vice President of the Serbian Scientific Society. From 2006 to 2010 he was president of the Serbian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development and since 2010 he has been the president of the Scientific Committee for Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological Development.


  • with Dragoslav Mitrinović, Th. M. Rassias: Topics in polynomials: extremal problems, inequalities, zeros, World Scientific 1994
  • Editor: Recent progress in inequalities, Kluwer 1998
  • with Giuseppe Mastroianni: Interpolation processes. Basic theory and applications, Springer 2008
  • Editor with Th. M. Rassias: Analytic Number Theory, Approximation Theory, and Special Functions. In Honor of Hari M. Srivastava, Springer 2014
  • Numerical Analysis (Serbian), 3 volumes, Belgrade 1981, 1988, 3rd edition of the first two volumes and second edition of the third volume 1991


  • Walter Gautschi, Giuseppe Mastroianni, Themistocles Rassias (eds.): Approximation and Computation. In Honor of Gradimir V. Milovanovićm, Springer 2011

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Gradimir Milovanović in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used