Graecoanatolica macedonica

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Graecoanatolica macedonica
Graecoanatolica macedonica, empty shells on a Macedonian denarius coin;  Picture A. Mrkvicka

Graecoanatolica macedonica , empty shells on a Macedonian denarius coin; Picture A. Mrkvicka

Order : Sorbeoconcha
Subordination : Hypsogastropoda
Superfamily : Littorinoidea
Family : Sea snails (Hydrobiidae)
Genre : Graecoanatolica
Type : Graecoanatolica macedonica
Scientific name
Graecoanatolica macedonica
Radoman & Stanković , 1978

Graecoanatolica macedonica is a tiny, probably now extinct water snail species from the family Hydrobiidae .


The right-hand wound case is about 2.8 mm high and 1.3 mm wide. It is regularly highly conical with a pointed apex. The turns are well arched, they regularly increase. Only the last turn is a little higher. The turns are separated from each other by a moderately deep seam. The elongated mouth is narrowed and sharply angled at the top. The outer lip is very thin and straight when viewed from the side. The lower part of the spindle edge is thickened, the upper part thinned and leaned against the housing wall or grown together. In the latter case, it is converted into a callus, the mouth rim is thereby interrupted. The navel has a clear slit.

Similar species

The case is similar to the type of the genus Graecoanatolica , Graecoanatolica vegorriticola Schütt, 1962, but is somewhat smaller. The turns are a little more arched and the seam between the turns is a little deeper. The last turn is comparatively lower. The spindle edge is somewhat "free", and there is a clear umbilical slit.

Geographical distribution and habitat

Graecoanatolica macedonica occurs (came) exclusively in Lake Dojran , on the border between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece .

The species lives (e) in shallow water near the shore with stony or sandy substrate, mostly in 0 to 50 cm water depth.


In the 1970s - triggered by heavy water abstraction from the lake's tributaries and hot summers - the water level of the Dojransee began to drop sharply (10.4 m depth in the 1930s, 5.6 m depth in 1995) and the species' habitat fell dry. No live specimens have been observed since 1992. The use of pesticides and artificial fertilizers in the catchment area of ​​the lake has also increased significantly in the last few decades.

From 2009 onwards, numerous apparently fresh empty shells were found on the bank after storms (Fischer et al. 2009, Petkovski (ined.), Mrkvicka (ined.)). It is still unclear whether these survived as empty shells and were washed out in protected substrate areas or whether they come from residual populations of living animals that were able to survive in underground tributaries. Radea et al. (2013) report empty bowls that give the impression that the animals have only recently died.

Currently, the species is considered extinct according to the IUCN redlist , if living occurrences are detected, it would be classified as critically endangered.


The taxon was first described in 1978 by Pavle Radoman and Snežana Stanković . It is recognized as a valid taxon by Fauna Europaea.

supporting documents


  • Pavle Radoman: Hydrobioidea a Superfamily of Prosobranchia (Gastropoda) I Systematics. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Monographs, 547: 256 pp., Belgrade 1983

Individual evidence

  1. Sandra Ryan, Huw Idwal Griffiths: The decline and probable extinction of Graecoanatolica macedonica (Gastropoda: Orientalinidae) in Balkan Lake Dorjan . Journal of Conchology 37: 261-265, 2001.
  2. Wolfgang Fischer, Alexander Reischütz, Peter L. Reischütz: Theodoxus transversalis (C. Pfeiffer, 1828) in the Dojransee (Macedonia). News sheet of the First Vorarlberg Malacological Society, 16: 45-46 2009 pDF .
  3. Canella Radea, Aristeidis Parmakelis, Vassilis Papadogiannis, Despoina Charou, Kostas A. Triantis: The hydrobioid freshwater gastropods (Caenogastropoda, Truncatelloidea) of Greece: new records, taxonomic reassessments using DNA sequence data and an update of the IUCN Red List Categories. ZooKeys, 350: 1-20, 2013 doi : 10.3897 / zookeys.350.6001
  4. Graecoanatolica macedonica in the Red List of Threatened Species of the IUCN 2011. Posted by: Albrecht, C., Hauffe, T. & Reischutz, P., 2011. Retrieved on April 26, 2013.
  5. Pavle Radoman, Snežana Stankovic: Jedan novi predstavnik roda Graecoanatolica iz Dojranskog jezera. Glasnik Prirodnjatshkog Muzeja u Beogradu, Serija B, Bioloshke Nauke, 33 ["1978"]: 5-6, Beograd 1979.
  6. Fauna Europaea: Graecoanatolica macedonica Radoman & Stankovic 1979

Web links

Commons : Graecoanatolica macedonica  - collection of images, videos and audio files