Gray and yellow wide wing vise

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Gray and yellow wide wing vise
Gray-yellow broad-winged flyworm (Agriopis marginaria), ♂

Gray-yellow broad-winged flyworm ( Agriopis marginaria ), ♂

Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Spanner (Geometridae)
Subfamily : Ennominae
Tribe : Bistonini
Genre : Agriopis
Type : Gray and yellow wide wing vise
Scientific name
Agriopis marginaria
( Fabricius , 1776)
Caterpillar of the gray-yellow broad-winged spider
Gray-yellow broad-winged species ( Agriopis marginaria ) ♂ in sitting position
Ventral view

The shelled serotine tensioner ( Agriopis marginaria ) is a butterfly ( moth ) from the family of the tensioner (Geometridae).


The male moths reach a wingspan of 27 to 32 millimeters. The forewings of the males are reddish yellow and more or less densely brownish pollinated. In front of the middle of the wing there are two dark transverse lines that are often indistinct and can occasionally be missing. Behind the middle of the wing there is a gray transverse line, which is strongly bent outwards under the front edge and is accompanied by a more or less wide transverse band near the hem. The fringing area is usually dark and has an indistinct, sometimes speckled, whitish wavy line.

The females are flightless and have only short yellowish-gray stubby wings and only reach a size of ten to 14 millimeters. The hind wings are longer than the fore wings. Both stub wings have a drawing of black cross lines. The females are usually found resting on the trunks and branches of the forage plants, the wings forming an acute triangle with the body.

The caterpillars reach a length of up to 29 millimeters and are variable in color. The body color ranges from a dull yellow to olive green, red brown and purple brown. The black drawing on the back is partially X-shaped. Occasionally a dark line is formed above the white stigmas . The caterpillar head is brown.

The eggs are oval and light green.

Similar species


  • Agriopis marginaria marginaria
  • Agriopis marginaria pallidata


  • Erannis marginaria Fabricius , 1776
  • Hibernia marginaria Borkhausen
  • Hybernia marginaria Borkhausen
  • Laerannis marginaria Fabricius


The gray-yellow broad-winged spanner is widespread from the Iberian Peninsula across Central Europe to the Urals . In the south it can be found in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea area. Its distribution extends to the Caucasus and in the north to Fennoscandia . The species is found in deciduous forests, groves, riparian forests, orchards and gardens.

Flight and caterpillar times

The gray-yellow broad-winged spanner forms a generation a year that flies from mid-February to mid-May. The caterpillars can be found from May to June.

Way of life

The oval and light green eggs are laid by the females near the buds, the caterpillars hatch when the leaves shoot. They live polyphagous on different types of hardwood plants as well as on bushes and hedges.

Pupation takes place just below the surface of the earth at the foot of the tree. The pupa hibernates.

Pales pavida ( Meigen , 1824), a member of the family of caterpillars (Tachinidae) parasitizes on the caterpillars of the gray-yellow broad-winged moth.

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. Bernard Skinner: Color Identification Guide to Moths of the British Isles , Penguin UK 1999, ISBN 0-670-87978-9
  2. a b Manfred Koch , Wolfgang Heinicke, Bernd Müller: We determine butterflies. Volume 4: Spanner. 2nd, improved and enlarged edition. Neumann, Leipzig / Radebeul 1976, DNB 780451570 .
  3. ^ A b David J. Carter, Brian Hargreaves: Caterpillars and butterflies of Europe and their forage plants. Blackwell Wissenschaftsverlag 1987, ISBN 3-826-38139-4
  4. a b Fauna Europaea Web Service (2005) Fauna Europaea version 2.2 (as of June 3, 2010), online: (access on August 28, 2010)
  5. a b c d e Günter Ebert (Ed.): The butterflies of Baden-Württemberg. Volume 9. Nachtfalter VII. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-800-13279-6
  6. Pales pavida ( Meigen , 1824) (a parasitoid fly)

Web links

Commons : Gray and yellow Breitflügelspanner  - album with pictures, videos and audio files