Grigore Leşe

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Grigore Leşe, 2007

Grigore Leşe (born February 20, 1954 in Stoiceni , Maramureş County ) is a well-known Romanian singer for folklore and popular music and composer . He graduated from the music academy in Baia Mare (Frauenbach) and then the music academy in Cluj-Napoca (Klausenburg).

In 2003 he was awarded a doctorate in philosophy for his work Horea în gumaz. Considerații teoretice și practice ale interpretării genului dintr-o perspectivă stilistică excellent. Since 2005 the lecturer at the University of Bucharest for ethnomusicology . In 2006 he began making recordings for national radio and public television, for which he has received national and international awards in the field of journalism . In 2007 he was awarded the APTR Prize, in 2009 the Prize for Cultural Journalism from Radio Romania and in the same year he was nominated for the international festival for film and television in Shanghai .

His music has been used in various TV productions such as The Pharaoh , Gunpowder , Treason and Plot (a BBC production) and Wild Carpathia . So far he has been invited to the most important stages in the world, for example in Washington , Bloomington , Paris , Berlin , Athens , Montreal , Basel , Morelia , Frankfurt and London. His discography counts seven albums.


  • 1996 - Cântec pastoral, Amori Label, Laussane
  • 2000–2003 - Cântece de cătănie și hori, Concert Society, Bistrița
  • 2005 - Horile vieții and Aşteptând Crăciunul, Roton
  • 2009 - Grigore Leșe: Le chant de Lăpuș, OCORA Radio France, Paris
  • 2011 - Grigore Leșe și aromânii fârșeroți din Cogealac, A&A Records
  • 2011 - De dragoste, de război, de moarte, de unul singur, Humanitas Multimedia

Individual evidence

  1. Grigore reading: Acum ştiu cine sunt. Însemnări şi aduceri aminte. Humanitas, 2013, ISBN 978-973-50-4230-1 , pp. 180 .
  2. Grigore reading: Acum ştiu cine sunt. Însemnări şi aduceri aminte. Humanitas, 2013, ISBN 978-973-50-4230-1 , pp. 180 .