Grind head

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Grindkopf is a narrative play for an actor by Tankred Dorst based on the Grimm fairy tale " Der Eisenhans ". The play from 1986 was premiered on December 15, 1988 under the direction of Alexander Brill in the student club of the Kammerspiele des Schauspiel Frankfurt .


The old king and queen are very worried about their only son. Nothing should happen to him. Just in case, they had his joints cushioned. As soon as the young prince moves out of sight of the concerned parents, he wears a red thread on his ankle. So the child cannot get lost.

An adventurer asks the king to ride into the nearby forbidden forest. The royal couple advises against. But the king does not issue a ban. From the castle tower, the king's son watches the adventurer's ride into the forest. A huge arm grabs the horse from the quiet forest lake and pulls it down. Undaunted, the adventurer lets the lake get to the bottom. A giant comes to light. The wild man - his name is Eisenhans - is locked in a cage in the royal palace. Once the royal parents drove away, Eisenhans is freed by the king's son. The boy follows the giant into the forbidden forest. There he has to be careful that nothing falls into the well next to the house of Iron Man. When the long hair of the king's son hangs in the water, it is suddenly gold-plated. Then the king's son is chased away by Eisenhans. However, the giant promises help in the event of an emergency.

The prince's son comes to the bald king's court, hires out as a gardener's boy and is called Grindkopf because he hides the allegedly grumpy head under his handkerchief. The youngest daughter of the bald king notices the golden hair of Grindkopf and lets the young man look under her skirt. Because there she also has golden hair.

When the bald king has to go into the field against the advancing enemy, Grindkopf wants to help the princess' father. On the edge of the forbidden forest, Grindkopf asks Eisenhans for help. The young supplicant is equipped by the giant with horse, armor and sword. In the fight against the enemy, Grindkopf determines the outcome of the battle. The princess and Grindkopf become a couple. Grindkopf invites his old parents to the wedding and moves with the wedding party into the forbidden forest. Eisenhans is supposed to celebrate. The giant is called, but does not come. Only those who know it can guess at it. Tankred Dorst writes: “The black forest sways and moves in the wind. Is there a face between the fir-tree tops? An arm in the wood? "



  • Tankred Dorst uses the style element anachronism in his fairy tale version carefully and sparingly. The bald king wears sunglasses.
  • Georg Hensel emphasizes Dorst's successful poetic exaggeration of the Grimm fairy tale. The visual power of language catches the eye at several points in the piece.



Secondary literature

Web links


  1. Bekes has a stage photo of the Frankfurt premiere on p. 71 (photographer: Inge Rambow ) and on the bottom of the same page there is a drawing by Roland Topor from 1986 (photographer: the draftsman). The student club received the Brothers Grimm Prize of the State of Berlin in 1989 for the production .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Theater Freiburg
  2. ^ Erken bei Arnold, p. 89, left column, 4th entry
  3. Edition used, p. 256, 16. Zvo
  4. Edition used, p. 246, 11. Zvo
  5. ^ Hensel in the afterword of the edition used, p. 437, 10th Zvu
  6. see also Eisenhans (film)