Great stone graves near Dorfhagen

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The megalithic graves near Dorfhagen were three megalithic graves of the Neolithic funnel cup culture near Dorfhagen , a town in the municipality of Hagen in the Bremen district of Cuxhaven in Lower Saxony . They were destroyed in the 18th or early 19th century. In a report from 1718 they are referred to as "3 heaps of large so-called giant stones" which were located on a hill on the floodplain between the dam of Hagen and the village of Dorfhagen. The place was called Steinforth and there was a place of execution nearby .


  • Georgius de Roth: Geographical description of the duchies of Bremen and Verden […]. 1718. Reprinted in: Archives of the Association for History and Antiquities of the Duchies of Bremen and Verden. Volume 6, 1877, p. 171 ( online ).
  • Ernst Sprockhoff : Atlas of the megalithic tombs of Germany. Part 3: Lower Saxony - Westphalia. Rudolf-Habelt Verlag, Bonn 1975, ISBN 3-7749-1326-9 , p. 10.