Great stone grave Streetz

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The large stone grave Streetz was a Neolithic megalithic burial complex near Streetz , a district of Dessau-Roßlau , Saxony-Anhalt . It was probably destroyed in the 18th century.


According to Johann Christoph Bekmann , the grave was in the Streetzer Mountains.


There is no information about the exact shape, size and orientation of the grave. Bekmann only mentions several very large stones that did not show any structure as early as 1710, as parts of the facility for the extraction of building material had probably already been destroyed. Ceramic shards ("fragments of Urnis") are said to have been found.


  • Johann Christoph Bekmann : History of the Principality of Anhalt From its old inhabitants and some of the old monuments that were still available / natural life / division / rivers / towns / spots and villages / Fürstl. Highness / Stories of the Prince. People / religious acts / princely ministries, aristocratic families / scholars / and other bourgeois class noble people. 1st - 4th Part, Zerbst 1710, p. 26 ( online ).
  • Hans-Jürgen Beier : The megalithic, submegalithic and pseudomegalithic buildings as well as the menhirs between the Baltic Sea and the Thuringian Forest. (= Contributions to the prehistory and early history of Central Europe. Volume 1). Beier & Beran, Wilkau-Haßlau 1991, p. 68.
  • Wilhelm Albert von Brunn : Knowledge and care of the ground monuments in Anhalt. In: Annual publication for Central German prehistory. Vol. 41/42, 1958, p. 35.