Pit eels

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Pit eels
Dysomma anguillare

Dysomma anguillare

Class : Ray fins (Actinopterygii)
Subclass : Neuflosser (Neopterygii)
Subclass : Real bony fish (Teleostei)
Cohort : Elopomorpha
Order : Eel-like (Anguilliformes)
Family : Pit eels
Scientific name
Johnson , 1862

The Pit Eel family (Synaphobranchidae) consists of almost 40 species. They have strong bodies with scales and large jaws with small teeth. The skin is covered with stunted scales. The genus Haptenchelys is an exception here: they are scaly. Characteristic of these eels are the outer gill openings, which lie in a gap-shaped pit on the belly side between the pectoral fins. The larvae have telescopic eyes.


They occur in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and live in the deep sea between 400 and 2000 m with water temperatures around 5 ° C on average.


The diet consists of crabs and fish. Octopus eggs were found in the stomach of Synaphobranchus kaupi , which was caught at a depth of 1000 m.



Web links

Commons : Pit Eels  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files