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Synaphobranchus kaupii

Synaphobranchus kaupii

Subclass : Neuflosser (Neopterygii)
Subclass : Real bony fish (Teleostei)
Cohort : Elopomorpha
Order : Eel-like (Anguilliformes)
Family : Pit eels (Synaphobranchidae)
Subfamily : Synaphobranchinae
Scientific name
Johnson , 1862

The Synaphobranchinae are a subfamily of the pit eels (Synaphobranchidae). They live in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans , mostly at greater depths.


The species of Synaphobranchinae reach body lengths of 50 cm to 1.80 meters. They differ from the subfamily Ilyophinae mainly in their slightly built, protruding and slightly upwardly curved lower jaw and the strongly backward sloping jockstrap . The long jaws with small, weak teeth and the backward sloping hyomandibulars enclose a spacious oral cavity.

Osteologically , the longitudinal expansion of the mouth with simultaneous lightness of the bones is formed by a central keel of the skull and a connection of the premaxillary with the ethmoid , the parasphenoid , the sphenoid and the ploughshare . Laterally, the arch of the wing bone is either reduced to a free-standing, "floating" remnant ( Synaphobranchus & Haptenchelys ) or a slender rod ( Diastobranchus ). The reduction causes greater mobility of the jaw.

Genera and species

Histiobranchus bathybius
Synaphobranchus affinis


  • Kenneth J. Sulak & Yuri N. Shcherbachev: Zoogeography and systematics of six deep-living genera of synaphobranchid eels, with a key to taxa and description of two new species of Ilyophis. Bulletin of Marine Science (1997), Volume: 60, Issue: 3, Pages 1158-1194 ISSN  0021-9533 PDF

Web links

Commons : Pit Eels  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files