Guido Sklenar

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Guido Sklenar (born June 15, 1871 in Albona , † May 25, 1953 in Mistelbach ) was an Austrian teacher and beekeeper.

Sklenar made his first experiences with bees in the apiary of his teacher training institute. Among the bee colonies looked after by Sklenar, he recognized colony 47 as being particularly calm and productive and bred the Carnica line from it . From 1919 he became a breeder and in 1921 he founded the Austrian Queen Breeders Association, whose newsletter, The Bee Mother, was published by him. In 1923 he published his main work, Beekeeping Practice , which is still considered the standard textbook today. In honor of his services, he was honored in 1932 with the title of Economic Council.

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