Guillaume Chiche

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Guillaume Chiche

Guillaume Chiche (born March 30, 1986 in Niort ) is a French politician. He was elected to the French National Assembly on June 18, 2017 as a member of the 1st constituency of the Deux-Sèvres department . He was considered a close ally of President Emmanuel Macron . He was elected as a member of La République en Marche , but left the party and was one of the 17 founding members of the Écologie Dèmocratie Solidarité parliamentary group in May 2020 .

Political career

In Parliament, Chiche is a member of the Social Committee. He is a member of the parliamentary group for friendship with Argentina and Brazil .

In January 2019, Chiche became a member of LREM's board of directors. In this function, he was responsible for planning party politics together with Laurent Saint-Martin .

Political positions

In a report for parliament in 2018, Chiche proposed the abolition of income splitting, instead a personal assessment should be made for income tax.

In 2019, Chiche and Aurore Bergé led a group of LREM members who  advocated access to artificial insemination for all. Unlike Bergé, Chiche advocated that post-mortem artificial insemination should also be allowed, but this approach was rejected by the parliamentary majority.

In July 2019, Chiche was among the 52 LREM members of parliament who abstained from the vote on the ratification of the EU's Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with Canada .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Elections législatives 2017 ( French ) In: Ministry of the Interior . Retrieved June 19, 2017.
  2. Cédric Pietralunga and Alexandre Lemarié (October 20, 2017), La République en marche: Les snipers de la Macronie Le Monde .
  3. Guillaume Chiche Info on Guillaume Chiche on the National Assembly website
  4. Val-de-Marne: le député Laurent Saint-Martin (LREM) prend du galon Le Parisien , January 24, 2019.
  5. Tollé après la proposition d'un député LRM de supprimer le quotient familial Le Monde , March 20, 2018.
  6. La PMA post-mortem rejetée par les députés L'Obs , 11 September 2019.
  7. Maxime Vaudano (July 24, 2019), CETA: qui a voté quoi parmi les députés Le Monde .