Gunda King

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Gunda König (born January 5, 1945 in Langenlois ) is an Austrian actress and singer.

König taught at the Lycée français in Vienna for three years and completed an acting course at the same time. She had her first engagements at the Stadttheater Klagenfurt and at the Komödienspiele in Porcia. In Vienna she then played at the Theater der Jugend , the Volkstheater and as a musical performer at the Theater an der Wien . In addition, she worked on radio plays (international radio play prize prix futura ) and television series ( Mundl ).

In 1975 she founded the K&K Experimental Studio with her husband Dieter Kaufmann , with which she toured at home and abroad, participated in festivals in Europe, North and South America and made recordings. She has participated in opera productions, has appeared in plays by writers such as Molière , Pedro Calderón de la Barca , Heinrich von Kleist , Johann Nestroy , Michael Ende , Peter Turrini and Elfriede Jelinek and gives chanson evenings. Writers and composers such as Gottfried von Eine , Kurt Schwertsik , Heinz Karl Gruber , Bruno Liberda and Alexander Widner have written for them. König teaches speech training at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna and at the University of Klagenfurt .
