Gunnar Mascoll Silfverstolpe

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Oscar Gunnar Mascoll Silfverstolpe (born January 21, 1893 in Ryttern, Västmanland , † June 26, 1942 in Stockholm ), was a Swedish poet .


After studying in Uppsala , he worked as a literary and art critic and museum director. In 1919 he published his first collection of poems, Arvet (Das Erbe). In the course of his life he published four other collections. His poems, written in a traditional way, deal with home, childhood and Swedish culture. His noble origins can be felt in many poems. Silfverstolpe's poems reflect a high-class culture that largely disappeared after the Second World War . The linguistic perfection of his poems is still appealing today. Silfverstolpe, along with his contemporary colleagues Karl Asplund and Sten Selander, is often referred to as De borgerliga intimisterna (roughly: the bourgeois intimate poets ). In 1941 Gunnar Mascoll Silfverstolpe was elected a member of the Swedish Academy .


  • Bernt Olsson, Ingemar Algulin: Litteraturens historia i Sverige . 4th edition. Norstedt, Stockholm 1995, ISBN 91-1-943632-7 .
  • Göran Hägg: Den svenska literaturhistorien . Wahlström & Widstrand, Stockholm 1996, ISBN 91-46-16928-8 .