Sten Selander

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Nils Sten Edvard Selander (born July 1, 1891 - † April 8, 1957 ) was a Swedish poet and botanist . Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Selander ".


Selander worked in publishing and as a literary critic and since 1935 head of the cultural section of Svenska Dagbladet . He wrote poems on topics that were often taken from everyday life in the traditional way. His first collection of poems was Vers och visor ("Verse und Lieder", 1916).

He achieved his breakthrough with the extremely successful Staden och andra dikter collection (“The City and Other Poems”, 1926). In 1942 the poetry collection Dikter från tjugofem år 1916-1941 (“Poems from twenty-five years 1916-1941”) was published. Sten Selander had a rather conservative taste, but was also quite open to modern trends.

Nevertheless, he caused a sensation when he accused modern poetry of being incomprehensible in a newspaper article in 1946 . Selander later withdrew from cultural life, did his doctorate in botany, became a lecturer in botany and wrote scientific works. He also earned merit as chairman of the Swedish Nature Conservation Union . In this capacity he warned early on of environmental degradation . In 1953 Sten Selander was elected a member of the Swedish Academy .


  • Göran Hägg: Den svenska literaturhistorien . Wahlström & Widstrand, Stockholm 1996, ISBN 91-46-16928-8 .
  • Bernt Olsson, Ingemar Algulin: Litteraturens historia i Sverige . 4th edition. Norstedt, Stockholm 1995, ISBN 91-1-943632-7 .

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