Gustav Heller (politician, 1900)

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Gustav Heller (born March 18, 1900 in Karlsruhe ; † July 8, 1977 there ) was a Karlsruhe SPD politician and resistance fighter against National Socialism .


Gustav Heller was born in Karlsruhe in 1900. He was a trained locksmith and came from the working class.

After joining the SPD , he represented it in the Karlsruhe city parliament from 1926 to 1933 and was a brief city councilor in 1933. He was also the founder and chairman of the “ Iron Front ” in Karlsruhe and after the Nazi Party came to power on March 16, 1933, he was brought to the Kislau concentration camp near Bruchsal together with other Social Democrats . The overpass was staged as a public spectacle. Those arrested were released after they signed not to be politically active in the future. After he was released nine months later, he was placed under police supervision. From 1935 he worked for the Junker & Ruh company .

After liberation in 1945 he became director at Junker & Ruh , and from 1946 to 1971 he was again a city ​​councilor in Karlsruhe. From 1949 to 1950 he also represented the SPD in the state parliament of Württemberg-Baden , and from 1952 to 1953 in the constituent assembly of the state of Baden-Württemberg .


On December 17, 1969, Heller was made an honorary citizen of the city of Karlsruhe, and in 1978 a square in Karlsruhe was named after him.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Biographical data from Gustav Heller in: Ludwig Marum: Letters from the Kislau Concentration Camp , by Ludwig Marum, Jörg Schadt, Joachim W. Storck, Stadtarchiv Karlsruhe, Stadtarchiv Mannheim, by CF Müller, 1988, page 71
  2. ^ Biographical data from Gustav Heller in: History of the City of Mannheim , Volume 3, by Ulrich Niess, Michael Caroli, Grit Arnscheidt, Mannheim (Germany), Verlag Regionalkultur, page 242
  3. Biographical data of Gustav Heller in: Andreas Vowinckel: Stilstreit und Führerprinzip: Künstler und Werk in Baden, 1930–1945. Badischer Kunstverein, Der Kunstverein, 1987, page 23