Gustave Boulanger

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Gustave Boulanger
Phryne (oil on canvas, 185 × 152 cm; Van Gogh Museum , Amsterdam )
The slave market

Gustave Clarence Rodolphe Boulanger (born April 25, 1824 in Paris , † September 22, 1888 there ) was a French painter . His work belongs to the so-called salon painting and can partly be assigned to orientalism .

life and work

Boulanger was a student of the painters Paul Delaroche and Pierre Jules Jollivet at the École des Beaux-Arts . At the age of 30 he went on an almost two-year study trip to and through Italy . In Rome he had a great success with his work Caesar at Rubico , which he was able to continue on his return to Paris. His first works in France included Maestro Palestrina , Der Araber and Die Kabylen , which received a lot of public attention.

Many of the sketches made during his study trip became preparatory work for his works with ancient motifs, such as for Lucretia , Lesbia and The Pompeian Wreath Merchant . His subjects were similar to those of his painter colleague Jean-Léon Gérôme and inspired Napoléon III. , who then commissioned Boulanger to design his Parisian palace in the “ Pompeian style ”. The painter died in Paris in 1888 at the age of 62.


Works (selection)

  • Caesar on Rubico
  • Maestro Palestrina (1857)
  • The Arab (1861)
  • The Kabyle (1863)
  • The riders of the Sahara (1864)
  • Lucretia
  • Lesbia
  • The Pompeian wreath dealer
  • The slave market (before 1882)

Web links

Commons : Gustave Boulanger  - collection of images, videos and audio files