Gustavo Leguizamón

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Gustavo Leguizamón

Gustavo Leguizamón (born September 29, 1917 in Salta ; † September 27, 2000 ibid), called El Cuchi , was an Argentine musician , pianist , composer and writer . He was the author of classic zambas , chacareras and vidalas from the Argentine folklore of the northwest. His collaboration with Manuel J. Castilla , a friend and fellow writer from his hometown Salta , was particularly fruitful, and some of his texts were set to music. As a lyricist / composer duo, they were respected nationwide. Outside of his artistic work, Leguizamón was a lawyer, prosecutor in the province of Salta and member of the national parliament.


Gustavo Leguizamón came from a prestigious Salta merchant family. His ancestors had opened a trading house in the center of Salta in 1806. The following generations were just as successful in business matters as the founders.

The Leguizamón family tree lists Arias Rengel and José María Todd as relatives . The latter was Gobernador of Salta in 1860 and son of Doña Tomasa Toledo y Pimentel , who was related to the Viceroy of Peru .

Gustavo Leguizamón was married to Ema O. Palermo . During his engagement, Leguizamón went to Buenos Aires to have his squint operationally corrected. Miguel Angel Pérez says that his friends sent him a laconic telegram when it was certain that he had successfully survived his operation, with the words: "Get married and you will see ..."

Towards the end of his life his eyesight slowly deteriorated, he became impoverished and in the end did not even have the money to have his piano straightened, as Jorge Ezequiel Sánchez reported in the daily Clarín .

He had four children with Ema O. Palermo: Juan Martín (* 1961), José María (* 1963), Delfín (* 1965), Luis Gonzalo (* 1967).


  • 1965: Festival Latinoamericano de Salta . First prize with the song La zamba soltera
  • 1973: Gran Premio SADAIC in the genre Música nativa .
  • 1980: La Cantata Cafayateña , Salta. First price
  • 1986: Festival de Cosquín , Cordoba. First prize with the Zamba Bajo el azote del sol (Text: Antonio Nella Castro).
  • November 7, 1988: Reconocimiento al Mérito Artístico-Creativo (Producción Folkórica) of the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán .
  • June 16, 1989: Reconocimiento al Mérito Artístico (previsto en la Ley 6.475) by the government of the Province of Salta.
  • October 15, 1999: The Argentine daily Clarín declares Gustavo Cuchi Leguizamón in its supplement El siglo que se va, el milenio que viene (The century that goes, the millennium that is to come) as the outstanding personality of the century in Argentine folklore.


Gustavo Leguizamón's work is very extensive. By 1987, 82 of his works were listed in SADAIC. His pieces are among the classics of Argentine folklore:

  • Lloraré
  • Zamba del Carnaval
  • Balderrama
  • La Pomeña
  • Zamba de Juan Panadero
  • Maturana
  • La Arenosa
  • Si llega a ser tucumana
  • Zamba del Laurel

The preliminary complete list of his works:

  • July 29, 1954: Lloraré (text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • April 13, 1955: La antojada (Instrumental. Music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • April 13, 1955: Zamba de Anta (Text: César Perdiguero and Manuel J. Castilla)
  • April 25, 1955: Zamba de los mineros (Text: Jaime Dávalos)
  • May 20, 1955: Zamba del pañuelo (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • June 21, 1955: Panza verde (Text: Jaime Dávalos)
  • March 12, 1957: La desvelada (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • September 7, 1960: Chacarera del Chacho (Text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • November 6, 1961: Pelayo Alarcón (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • November 17, 1961: Serenata del 900 (text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • April 20, 1962: La ida y vuelta (text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • April 20, 1962: Zamba del guitarrero (text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • December 28, 1962: La enojosa (Text: Manuel J. Castilla and Montero)
  • December 28, 1962: La unitaria (text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • December 28, 1962: Lavanderas del Río Chico (text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • December 28, 1962: Chilena del solterón (Text: José Ríos)
  • June 24, 1964: Lejos (text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • July 21, 1964: Canción de Totoralejos (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • July 21, 1964: Zamba de don Balta (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • July 21, 1964: Chacarera del expediente (Text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • August 18, 1964: Zamba del carnaval (text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • October 28, 1964: El avenido (text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • November 26, 1964: Zamba del mar (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • October 18, 1965: El fiero Arias (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • March 8, 1966: Zamba soltera (text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • April 26, 1966: Carnavalito del duende (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • October 17, 1967: El silbador (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • October 17, 1967: Cosas de la brisa (Text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • December 28, 1968: Zamba de Lozano (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • December 28, 1968: La arenosa (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • April 16, 1969: La Pomeña (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • April 16, 1969: Balderrama (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • October 15, 1969 Fiesta de guardar (Text: César Perdiguero)
  • August 12, 1970: Zamba del imaginero (Text: Armando Tejada Gomez)
  • August 12, 1970: Canción del que no hace nada (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • August 12, 1970: Letanía del olvido (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • August 12, 1970: Cantora de Yala (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • November 16, 1970: Navidad de Juanito Laguna (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • April 21, 1971: La muerta (Text: Pablo Neruda)
  • April 21, 1971: Zamba de Argamonte (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • November 17, 1971: Chacarera del aveloriado (text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • November 17, 1971: Zamba de los 50 años (Text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • November 17, 1971: De estar estando (Text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • December 10, 1971: Tiempo de mayo (Text: Armando Tejada Gómez)
  • April 7, 1972: Coplas del regreso (Text: Luis Franco)
  • January 7, 1973: Serenata desolada (text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • January 7, 1973: Corazón que te sucede (Text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • March 8, 1973: Elogio del viento (Text: Armando Tejada Gómez)
  • March 8, 1973: Viejo luchador (Text: Armando Tejada Gómez)
  • March 8, 1973: Estilo de los oficios (Text: Walter Adet)
  • March 8, 1973: Canción del caballo sin jinete (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • March 8, 1973: Baguala del guardamonte (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • March 22, 1973: ¡Ay! Madre (Text: Juan Carlos Dávalos)
  • March 26, 1973: Coplas de Tata Dios (text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • March 26, 1973: Preludio y jadeo (Instrumental. Music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • March 26, 1973: Canción de cuna para el vino (Text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • August 26, 1975: Maturana (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • September 23, 1975: Zamba del laurel (Text: Armando Tejada Gómez)
  • November 24, 1975: Zamba de Juan Panadero (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • March 23, 1976: Chaya de la albahaca (Text: Armando Tejada Gómez)
  • April 27, 1976: La Salta de antes (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • March 28, 1977: No hay cosa como la muerte (Text: Jorge Luis Borges)
  • September 18, 1979: Zamba de la sirena (Text: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • February 3, 1981 Amores de la vendimia (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • November 16, 1981: Si llega a ser tucumana (Text: Miguel Angel Perez)
  • November 16, 1981: La trova de la Macacha (Text: de César Perdiguero)
  • November 16, 1981: Estilo de la mala memoria (Text: César Perdiguero)
  • November 16, 1981: Milonga de flor y truco (Text: Hugo Alarcón)
  • November 16, 1981: Cartas de amor que se queman (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • November 16, 1981: Y me debes creer (Text: Jacobo Regen)
  • November 16, 1981: Zamba del último carpero (Text: César Perdiguero)
  • July 20, 1982: Pasaron la vida (Text: Raúl Araoz Anzoátegui)
  • July 20, 1982: Chacarera del holgado (Text: Miguel Angel Perez)
  • September 6, 1982: La mulánima (Text: Hugo Alarcón)
  • March 7, 1983: Cueca del Coto celoso (Text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • May 20, 1983: Zamba para la viuda (Text: Miguel Angel Perez)
  • March 5, 1984: Muchas veces soñé curiosos sueños (Text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • November 14, 1984: Coplas del caballo que muere (Text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • March 20, 1985: Me voy quedando (text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • September 10, 1986: Chacarera de la Patria Financiera (Text: Antonio Nella Castro)
  • November 28, 1986: Bajo el azote del sol (Text: Antonio Nella Castro)
  • August 15, 1990: Santa Mariana (Text: Miguel Angel Pérez)
  • July 1, 1991: Borrachito de la noche (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • September 13, 1991: La redada (Instrumental. Music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • Undated: Canción para proteger a María (Text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • Undated: Zamba para mi gata (text and music: Gustavo Leguizamón)
  • Undated: Chaya por Toconás (Text: Manuel J. Castilla)
  • Undated: Maíz de Viracocha (Text: Armando Tejada Gomez)

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