Gut Kulenhagen

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Former location of the Kulenhagen estate
old pear tree near the lake shore

The Gut Kulenhagen was a remote homestead in the Kreuzhorst southeast of the city of Magdeburg .


The homestead was on an artificially built-up hill in order to be protected from the regular floods of the Elbe, which flows just a little further west . The court already existed in the Middle Ages . In the 12th century the farm, which also included forest, meadows and a lake, changed hands several times. The owner was then Heinrich von Glinde , who was also provost of the St. Sebastian monastery and Magdeburg canon . Before 1189 Heinrich von Glinde sold the farm for 70 marks to the Magdeburg monastery of Our Lady , which also owned the Salbke monasterybusiness. According to another statement, the farm is said to have been sold to the monastery in the 12th century by its owner at the time, Dietrich von Groiz .

The Kreuzhorst belonging to the monastery and also the Praepositurwald on the Holzwerder belonging to the Sankt Sebastian Stift were administered from Gut Kulenhagen . This forest area stretched south and west of the farm to the Westerhüsen ferry . Around 1600 Moritz Sangerhausen was the forester of the area who lived in Kulenhagen. He found himself in a constant dispute with Joachim Schnauke , the forester of the forest on the Kapitelwerder that began south of the Westerhüsen ferry . From 1631 the Kapitelholz was also managed by the forester's house Kulenhagen. The successor of Moritz Sangerhausen, who died in 1632, is said to have been a Peter Voigt. For the year 1701 it is said that a wood forester in Kreuzhorst , Andr. Behse had a son baptized in Prester.

In the Flora of the Province of Brandenburg, Altmark and the Duchy of Magdeburg by the botanist Paul Ascherson from 1864, the forester's house is mentioned several times as a place where plant species were found. So the low crow's foot grew on the path at the forester's house. Festuca adscendens and the swamp pea were also found near the forester's house .

The estate was used as a forester's house until the 19th century . The residents were parish in the Salbker church . The last resident was the Kreuzhorstforster Hinze , who moved to Luisenthal around 1880 and built the Louisenthal Inn there . The forester's house was laid down and sold for demolition. The property was given up because a high Elbe dike had been built just a little further east. Since the water could no longer flow here in the event of a flood and a backwater developed, the risk of flooding had become too great for Gut Kulenhagen.

Todays situation

The artificial elevation was preserved. The old fruit trees and trees there are also indicative of the original use. There is an information board on the nearby bike and hiking trail from the Westerhüsen ferry to the Elberadweg that provides information about the history of the estate. To the east of the former location is the small lake Kuhlenhagen .


  • Willy Otto Riecke, Cronik Prester-Cracau , self-published in Magdeburg 1932, page 238 f.

Individual evidence

  1. Chronicle of Randau
  2. Willy Otto Riecke, Chronicle Prester Cracau, page 238
  3. Gumpert L.
  4. ^ Paul Ascherson, Flora of the Province of Brandenburg, the Altmark and the Duchy of Magdeburg, Third Department, Special Flora of Magdeburg, published by August von Hirschwald Berlin 1864

Coordinates: 52 ° 4 ′ 31.7 ″  N , 11 ° 41 ′ 10.6 ″  E