György Ottlik

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György Ottlik , also Georg von Ottlik (born June 23, 1889 in Budapest , † July 15, 1966 in Paris ) was a Hungarian diplomat and journalist .


After studying political science and obtaining his doctorate in Budapest , Ottlik joined the diplomatic service , including at the Hungarian representations in Bern and Sofia . From 1927 to 1934 he was a member of the Hungarian delegation to the League of Nations in Geneva and was elected to its control committee in 1930. In addition, he was co-editor of the French-language yearbook of the League of Nations. Ottlik belonged to the well-connected circles around the (former) Prime Minister István Bethlen , the industrialists family Weiss and the historian Gyula Szekfű , who published the magazine Magyar Szemle ( Hungarian Review ) founded by Bethlen since 1927 . Ottlik published in Hungarian, German and French. From 1919 to 1923 he had already accompanied international politics for Pester Lloyd and in 1937 became its editor-in-chief. From 1934 to 1935 he briefly edited the government-affiliated daily Budapesti Hírlap ( Budapester Zeitung ), and from 1935 the Nouvelle Revue de Hongrie, a magazine founded by Bethlen for propaganda abroad.

Fonts (selection)

  • (Georg von Ottlik, ed.): "Modern Hungary. A biography series. Series 1: Statesmen". Eligius, Vienna / Budapest 1926.
  • (Georges de Ottlik): "La troisième République". Athenaeum, Budapest 1931.
  • "A modern diplomácia". Athenaeum, Budapest 1937.
  • "Lusitania". Pester Lloyd, Budapest 1940.
  • "Count Andrássy the Elder". Pester Lloyd, Budapest 1943.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Széchenyi, Ágnes: Introduction, in: Kornfeld, Móric: Reflections on Twentieth Century Hungary. A Hungarian Magnate's View (CHSP Hungarian Studies Series; 14). Boulder 2007, pp. 1-94, here: pp. 50f.