Bad Waldsee high school

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Bad Waldsee high school
type of school high school
founding 1971

Döchtbühlweg 2

place Bad Waldsee
country Baden-Württemberg
Country Germany
Coordinates 47 ° 54 '57 "  N , 9 ° 45' 8"  E Coordinates: 47 ° 54 '57 "  N , 9 ° 45' 8"  E
carrier City of Bad Waldsee
student about 600
Teachers approx. 60
management Robert Häusle

The general education state high school Bad Waldsee is located on the Döchtbühl, a hill on the edge of the historic old town of Bad Waldsee . It is the only high school in town. The school is run as an all-day school. The cafeteria, which was inaugurated in 2009, a media library and a multifunctional hall are located near the school .

The school is part of the local education center, consisting of a grammar school, a secondary school, a primary and technical secondary school, a special school, a children's and youth academy, a teaching academy and a youth music school. The youth music school is housed in the rooms of the grammar school. A common cafeteria has been part of the education center since 2009, and a day-care center since 2014.

School description


The first forerunners of today's grammar school go back to the time of the foundation of the Augustinian choir monastery in Bad Waldsee in the 12th century. In 1222, Henricus scolasticus von Walse, the first teacher known by name, appears. It is not clear whether there was a separate city school in addition to the monastery school.

Until 1969 the school was a Progymnasium . In 1971 she moved from the historic building on the Stadtsee to the Döchtbühl. In 2004 the eight-year grammar school was introduced. It has been an all-day school since 2008 .

Like all general high schools in the state of Baden-Württemberg, the Bad Waldseer Gymnasium introduced the eight-year high school (G 8) in 2004. Due to its comprehensive pedagogical approach, the school was selected in 2013 as one of 44 grammar schools and the only grammar school in the Ravensburg district as a G 9 model school . The Bad Waldsee high school has been an "all-day school in open form" since the school year 2008/2009. Classes take place in the morning and on some days in the afternoon. The school has three courses throughout.


Approx. 600 pupils attend the school, with the catchment area extending into the neighboring district of Biberach. The students are taught by around 60 teachers. All science rooms and the sports hall have been completely refurbished in recent years.

Mission statement

In 2008, the school adopted a model that emerged from three-year so-called SEIS surveys of all parents, teachers and students. In line with the pedagogical orientation, the values ​​of transparency, appreciation and communication are the central components of teaching and cooperation in school boards. Transparency: We disclose decision-making processes and inform each other appropriately, understandably and comprehensibly. Appreciation: We treat each other with respect, appreciate our strengths and respect each other in our differences. Communication: We promote technical knowledge of modern communication and value social skills in everyday interaction. The three terms are also symbolized by the three dots in the school logo.

Pedagogical orientation

All-day school in open form

Since the school year 2008/2009 the school has been run as an all-day school in an open form. This took into account the changeover to the G8 at the time and the associated afternoon classes. Special offers during the lunch break and homework supervision ensure that younger students are also looked after during this time. The canteen, which was inaugurated in 2009, is in the immediate vicinity of the school. The building also includes a cafeteria as well as a media library with over 5000 media and a multifunctional hall as well as a game course.

Pedagogical features

The heart of the grammar school is the “support culture”, which has been expanded since 2007, and the “ELSA work” initiated in January 2008 with a steering group and project groups (projects, each consisting of the collaboration between parents, teachers and students). In addition to the actual lessons, the grammar school has developed various focuses:

  • The social program, d. H. Promote social learning for everyone involved in school. Measures are e.g. B. Adoption of sponsorships in Africa and the Bad Grönenbach children's hospice, homework supervision, special support for weaker pupils, motto months for respectful interaction with each other, school medical service, various regular events with the support of the friends' association, participation in the Compassion project.
  • The eco program, d. H. Promotion of ecological learning. Measures are e.g. B. the training of eco mentors, exclusive use of recycled paper, 50/50 project for sustainable energy saving, construction and maintenance of a meadow orchard.
  • The sports program, d. H. Contribution to exercise and health of the students. Various students and teams from the school regularly take top positions in national competitions.
  • The democracy program, d. H. Promotion of tolerance towards those who think differently, initiation of group dynamic processes and education for democratic participation. Measures are z. B. several parent-teacher-student working groups (ELSA) on different school topics (special award from the Tübingen regional council), fixed meetings between the school management and the SMV or the joint planning and implementation of the annual school festival, Lions Quest training for one Most of the teachers.
  • The career development program, d. H. Promotion of information for students about career prospects after school or university. Measures are e.g. B. Sponsoring of occupational diagnostic tests by local companies, educational partnerships with the local economy, career day for upper school students with speakers from the field, BOGY week ( career and study orientation at high schools ).

Special awards

The current report by the Tübingen regional council on external school evaluation distinguishes the Bad Waldsee high school in a special way. The school is recognized for its excellent performance in four important areas. These are:

  • Promotion of social and personal skills
  • Development of teaching and school
  • Involving parents in school life
  • Personnel development at the school


  • Gymnasium Döchtbühl Bad Waldsee (Ed.): 25 years Abitur (1972–1997) Gymnasium Döchtbühl Bad Waldsee. Paths - milestones - developments in our school over the past 40 years. Eppe, Bergatreute 1997, ISBN 3-89089-401-1 .

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