Gyula György Zagyva

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Gyula György Zagyva

Gyula György Zagyva (born May 18, 1976 in Eger ) is a Hungarian politician .


Zagyva was president of " Hatvannégy Vármegye Ifjúsági Mozgalom " ( 64 counties ), a right-wing youth organization that is now banned in Hungary . He is also a member of the Hungarian parliament for the Jobbik party . Before that, he had repeatedly attracted attention as a propagator of right-wing extremist ideas and through attacks against the minorities in Hungary. In 2002 Zagyva got to know the 64 counties and since 2003 he has been vice-president. In 2006 he took over the leadership of László Toroczkai , who remained honorary president of the organization.

Since 2009, he and several other members of the 64 counties have been banned from entering Serbian territory for two years . The reason for this was their activities in the Serbian province of Vojvodina , where many Hungarians live. The organization had called on the Hungarian minority to resist Serbia and sent school materials to Hungarian children. He has been a member of the Hungarian Parliament since 2010 .

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