Salinenmusikkapelle Hall in Tirol

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Salinenmusikkapelle Hall in Tirol
General information
Genre (s) Brass music , orchestra
founding 1821
Current occupation
Eva-Maria Posch
Markus Galloner
Robert Brunner
Robert Brunner
Nicola Supper
Julia Leimser
Drawing E. Awake
Salinenmusikkapelle Hall in Tirol
Salinenmusikkapelle Hall in Tirol
Salinenmusik President Evi Posch and the former Kapellmeister Daniel Walch
Saline music in Straubschütz costume
Saline Music 1921
Clarinet register 1930

The Salinenmusikkapelle Hall in Tirol is one of the two city music bands in Hall in Tirol and one of the six music bands of Salinen Austria AG , next to Bad Ischl , Dürrnberg ( Hallein ), Ebensee , Hallstatt and Altaussee . The Salinenmusikkapelle was a work music of the Salinen Austria until 1954. The band currently has 40 active members and has been led by Kapellmeister Robert Brunner since 2016. Based on the records, the year of foundation can be traced back to 1821. Since October 26, 1954, the Salinenmusikkapelle Hall in Tirol is no longer a legal factory music, but is run as a music association.


Before 1800, the "original musicians" of the salt mine are said to have made music in loose groups. A newspaper report from 1808 describes that mine musicians took part on the occasion of the opening of the Kaiser-Max-Stollen. The official founding took place in 1821 after a "music banda" consisting of 16 Salzbergers already existed, which was led by the mountain officer Josef Holzhammer senior. was directed. In 1838 the metalworkers under Josef Pircher founded the "Pfannhausmusikkapelle", which was soon superior to the older miners' band. The "Bürgerguardemusik" was founded in 1839/40. 3 bands played in the small town of Hall. In 1840 the first release took place as a pure brass harmony in public under the direction of Josef Pircher as "Pfannhausmusik". Clarinets appear in the scores of 1854 - but no percussion until that time . Hall housed four music bands in 1858, because the civil guards and the military also had their own music. The Salinen official director Michael Kelb collected the musicians of the miners' and Pfannhaus music and united them to the "Salinenmusik". It was the “Salinerler” who were used as the official music band of the municipality for many tasks from 1875 to 1910. The musical directors were the Kapellmeister Ploner and Johann Fintl. Johann Fintl was the conductor of the Pfannhauser music band from 1897 to 1928. On March 23, 1928, Alois Fintl took over the baton. The activities were only interrupted by the Second World War , but the first rehearsal was held on March 2, 1946. When the salt works were shut down in 1967, thanks to the closed attitude of all musicians, the band could be saved into the new era. After the founding of the “Straubschützenkompanie” in Hall, the Salinenmusik took over not only the traditional miner costume but also the Straubschütz costume and now also functioned as a rifle musician. In 1987 Alois Fintl handed over the baton to the city's music director Hannes Buchegger, who gave up this position after a few months. In 1988 Georg Bleyer took over the musical direction. In the spring of 1989, the 60-year-old chairman Gottfried Zanger transferred this function to younger hands after 31 years of service. After Rudolf Hornsteiner, Kurt Kreidl and Harald Fischer, Markus Galloner has been chairman of the Salinenmusik since 2011.

The saltworks music is inseparable from Hall salt mining and the saltworks town of Hall in Tyrol. Since then, musical miners and people interested in music from various professional groups have been on hand at events. Receptions for members of the imperial family, the federal government, park concerts, mountain festivals, television appearances, weddings, church celebrations, pilgrimages and serenades were and are part of the tasks of music.

In the 20th century there were two great personalities, Johann Fintl and his son Alois Fintl, who together shaped the music for 90 years through their commitment.

A new musical challenge arose when he met Daniel Walch from Zug am Arlberg, who led the band from 2006 to 2016. Numerous successful concert projects were organized under Walch. In autumn 2015, Walch announced that he would be resigning from conducting the Salinenmusikkapelle for private reasons. The club put the musical direction in the hands of 22-year-old Robert Brunner from Volders . The official handover of the baton will take place at the 2016 spring concert on May 21st.

Chronicle at a glance

year event
1821 Founding year of the Salinenmusik Hall consisting of 16 men under the direction of Josef Holzhammer senior.
1839/40 The Citizens Guard Music is founded. A problem arises because 3 bands are playing in the small town of Hall. Official board member Michael Kelb collects the musicians of the miners' and Pfannhaus music and unites them to "today's saline music"
1840 1. Release as a pure brass harmony in public under the direction of Josef Pircher; Pfannhausmusik .
1854 Clarinets appear in the scores - but no percussion up to this point
from 1897 Johann Fintl held the position of Kapellmeister until 1927. Despite the First World War , the band can continue to be staffed as almost 1000 people are employed at Saline and Berg. Since other communities did not have this advantage, many musicians from the surrounding villages of Mils , Tulfes , Ampass , Thaur , Absam and Rum switched to saline music.
1927 Johann Fintl hands over the baton to Alois Fintl (son). A musical highlight in the history of the band.
March 22, 1937 The saline music sounds for the first time from the ether.
1946 A friendship with Personalmusik Winterthur begins.
October 26, 1954 The Salinenmusik is legally no longer a factory band. From this point on it is run as a music association.
1958 The saline music achieved 1st place with distinction in the competition at the Federal Music Festival in Lienz.

The first female musician, a clarinetist, joins the men's group of Salinenmusik.

October 1967 1st place with distinction at the "Concert of 1000 Musicians"
1969 The procurement of a Tyrolean costume for a band is discussed; Type: Zillertal costume
1981 The Straubschützenkompanie Hall would like the Salinenmusikkapelle Musikkapelle for parades with "Straubschützenkompanie".
May 17, 1987 Hannes Buchegger becomes the new conductor of the salt works.
June 13, 1988 Alois Fintl dies at the age of 85 after an unbelievable time of 60 years as Kapellmeister of Salinenmusik.
1988 Georg Bleyer takes over the musical direction of the Salinenmusik.
June 30, 1995 1st joint pavilion concert with the Speckbacher Stadtmusik Hall.
October 1995 The first CD of the Salinenmusik will be produced with the production manager Joschi Binder.
2003 The Salinenmusik organizes a salt festival in the Hall salt warehouse. 5 saline music bands from all over Austria are guests (Hallstatt, Altaussee, Bad Ischl, Ebensee and Hallein-Dürnberg)
2006 Daniel Walch is the new conductor of the Salinenmusik Hall and heralds a new young dynamic era.
2015 Daniel Walch announces his resignation after almost ten years as Kapellmeister.
2016 Robert Brunner from Volders becomes the new conductor of the Salinenmusik Hall.

Kapellmeister since the founding year 1821

Josef Holzhammer Sr. 1821-1836
Anton Steinlechner 1837-1838
Josef Pircher 1838-1866
Alois Lener 1867-1874
Johann Hurmann 1875-1876
Josef Holzhammer jun. 1877-1896
Johann Fintl 1897-1927
Alois Fintl 1928-1986
Hannes Buchegger 1987-1988
Georg Bleyer 1988-2006
Daniel W. Walch 2006-2016
Robert Brunner since 2016
Honorary Kapellmeister
Johann Fintl 1897-1927
Alois Fintl 1928-1986
Georg Bleyer 1988-2006

Photos of band masters and honor band masters

Uniform of the salt works band

Every year, December 4th is traditionally associated with St. Barbara , the patron saint of miners. This feast day is marked by the black uniforms of the miners with feather plumes (the black uniforms of the miners; the white ones of the supervisory staff; the red ones of the musicians of the miners' brass band).

All uniform elements symbolize certain historical work activities or work processes in the mine and are borrowed from the historical working world of the miner.

  • a kalpak , headgear on which a golden cockade and a white or black plume are attached
  • Cockade , golden badge with hammer and mallet, is worn on the kalpak
  • a plume of feathers , formerly: a feather wiper that was used to clean blast holes and was worn by miners behind a ribbon on their hats
  • a shaft cap, a modification of a small hat without a peak (formerly used as head protection during dismantling work)
  • black fringes on the sleeves, these symbolize a series of fuses that were indispensable for blasting work and that were worn tied to the sleeves
  • Shoulder collar , on the other hand, is a "leftover piece" of a pelerine (a protective coat) that served as shoulder and water protection,
  • Golden buttons with hammer and mallet (also known as iron and mallet) in the number no less than 29, which are supposed to symbolize the years of life of St. Barbara and the gold of the buttons the light of the sun.

Saline fellowship

On festive occasions, the Salinenmusik Hall in Tirol is accompanied by the saline comradeship of former mine workers with a flag delegation. The foundation of the association "Comradeship of the former Saline employees Hall / Absam / Thaur" goes back to 1967 in Absam. Even before the final act of closing the salt mountain with the final closure of the saltworks in Hall on December 31, 1967, 26 comrades of the former saltworks employees met in the guesthouse in Absam to maintain the old tradition and the bond with the mountain and the hut and let live on This joint support has almost 500 years of history and arose from the old brother shops of the Austrian and German mining industry. On the one hand one of the first health insurances, on the other hand as a kind of pension for widows and orphans of miners and ironworkers.



The following instruments are used in the Salinenmusikkapelle Hall in Tirol:


In addition to radio recordings and participation in joint productions, the music band has released two of its own sound carriers on CD. A highlight was the participation on the anniversary CD Danke Danzer , on which the band brought out the piece Zombiball by Georg Danzer (arranged by Georg Bleyer) as an instrumental version.

  • CD Glück Auf - Salinenmusik Hall 1995
  • CD Thank you Danzer 1996
  • CD Salt Water 2001

Web links

Commons : Salinenmusikkapelle Hall in Tirol  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c district associations in the Tyrolean brass music association. Brass Music Association Tyrol , accessed on December 8, 2016 (Navigation: Music District Hall - Salinenmusikkapelle Stadt Hall iT).
  2. Blasmusik in Tirol (1991) p. 92.
  3. ^ Chronicle of the Salinenmusikkapelle Hall in Tirol. Retrieved October 15, 2010 .
  4. miner's uniform. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on May 15, 2011 ; Retrieved October 21, 2010 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. ^ History of the Saltine Comradeship. Retrieved October 22, 2010 . ;