Højene (Godsted Sogn)

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The Højene

The 43 Højene ( German  "hill" ) named Bronze Age burial mounds cover an area of ​​about 12,000 m² at Hejredevej, south of Hejrede Sø (lake) north of Godsted in Guldborgsund Kommune on Lolland in Denmark . Adjacent is Lollands Østerborg , the largest Iron Age Fornborg in Denmark with around 4.0 km² and the second largest of its kind in Northern Europe.

Such a massing of preserved burial mounds is unusual. Some are up to 1.5 m tall and 5.0 to 6.0 m in diameter. The burial ground was much larger. Only hills that lay in the woods have survived to our time. In the municipality of Nysted z. B. 134 hills known that disappeared in the last 200-300 years. There are still a number of burial mounds and a passage grave in Lars Jensen Skov to the northwest.

The burial mounds were protected by the owner as early as 1852, and some were excavated in 1904 without anything being found in them. It is believed that they date from the late Bronze Age (1000–500 BC), when cremation was common. In 1980 Storstrøms amt bought part of the area and made it available to the public.

The burial mounds were already preserved by the owner in 1852 and some heights were excavated in 1904 without anything being found in them. It is therefore believed that the heights from the latter part of the Bronze Age, 1000–500 BC. BC, where cremation was used.

In 1980 Storstrøms County bought part of the area and made it available to the public.

See also


Web links

  • Godsted. Retrieved November 30, 2017 (Danish, description and pictures).

Coordinates: 54 ° 43 ′ 44.6 ″  N , 11 ° 36 ′ 25 ″  E