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In the time of the Celts, the old Hünerstraße was an important connecting route (high path) between the Celtic fortifications in the Taunus , such as B. Altkönig and Heidetränk oppidum near Oberursel and the Oppida further north on the castle near Seelenberg , the Hühnerküppel near Langenbach and the giant castle near Rohnstadt . Along this old road there are still numerous barrows and Celtic field names, including the mountain names "Hünerberg" and "Hünerküppel" - the last evidence from the time of the Celts. There is evidence that this high trail led further east to the Oppidum Dünsberg .

The name of the street probably goes back to the Celtic word "hön", which means "high".


The Hünerstraße ran from the Altkönig (Celtic ring castle ) in the Hochtaunus northwards, led west over the Hühnerberg past the later Reifenberg , and led over the ridges of the eastern Hintertaunus to the historic “ Eiserne Hand ” intersection, which was probably very important at the time . From there it merged with the later so-called " Hessenstraße " coming from the Rhineland and ran identically with this on ridges further north past the Hünerküppel (traces of Celtic fortifications) and the giant castle near Rohnstadt down to Weilmünster , from where from it presumably led to the Oppida in today's Giessener Land.


  • Old streets of Hesse on Taunusreiter.de
  • Historical maps of Hesse
  • August Gross: The old streets of the Taunus , Heimatjahrbuch des Untertaunus, born in 1963, p. 59 ff
  • Georg Landau: Contributions to the history of the old military and trade routes in Germany , (reprint, Kassel 1958, Hessian research on historical regional and folklore, volume 1), second section: Streets from Mainz and Frankfurt to Leipzig . Journal for German Cultural History 1 (1856)

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