HBO Films

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HBO Films is a subsidiary of HBO that produces films and television series.

The enterprise

1983 HBO founded the subsidiary HBO Pictures , which presented the first self-produced film with The Terry Fox Story in the same year . It was also the first film made specifically for pay TV . In 1986, a second subsidiary was founded with HBO Showcase , which focused on contemporary films. In 1996 it was renamed HBO NYC . In October 1999, HBO merged its two subsidiaries to form HBO Films .

The films from HBO Films are shown mainly in the programming of the parent company. However, in recent years there have been an increasing number of films that are produced for the cinema. 2005 along with New Line Cinema , the joint venture Picturehouse founded to jointly market the movies better.


HBO films productions are considered to be of very high quality. The company has developed a dominance at the Emmys , so that between 1993 and 2002 - with the exception of 2000 - the prize for the best film went to an HBO Films production every year. Series such as Band of Brothers were also able to win some trophies. The company's films and series are also very successful at the Golden Globes . The series Angels in America with Al Pacino and Meryl Streep was awarded the prize for the best mini-series at both galas in 2003.

HBO Films has also won awards for cinema productions. For example, in 2003 the film Elephant by US director Gus Van Sant won the Golden Palm in Cannes . American Splendor received the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival that same year .

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