HD 2039

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HD 2039
HD 2039
Position of HD 2039 in the constellation Phoenix
dates equinoxJ2000.0 , epoch : J2000.0
Constellation Phoenix
Right ascension 00 h 24 m 20.28 s
declination -56 ° 39 ′ 0.2 ″
Apparent brightness 9 likes
Known exoplanets 1
Spectral class G2 / G3 IV / V
Radial velocity (8.5 ± 0.3) km / s
parallax (9.75 ± 0.95)  mas
distance (335 ± 33)  ly
(103 ± 10)  pc  
Visual absolute brightness M vis +3.95 likes
Proper movement 
Rec. Share: (78.42 ± 0.70)  mas / a
Dec. portion: (15.22 ± 0.78)  mas / a
Physical Properties
Other names
and catalog entries
Cordoba Survey CD −57 ° 71
Henry Draper Catalog HD 2039 [1]
Hipparcos catalog HIP 1931 [2]
SAO catalog SAO 232025 [3]
Tycho catalog TYC 8468-177-1 [4]Template: Infobox star / maintenance / specification of the TYC catalog
  1. ↑ Calculated from apparent brightness and distance.

HD 2039 is a star of the spectral class G in the constellation Phoenix . The apparent brightness of the star is 9 mag, so the object can only be seen with telescopes . The distance of the star from the sun is about 300  light years . Around HD 2039, a spectroscopic companion was discovered that could be an exoplanet.


Main article: HD 2039 b

As part of the AAPS (Anglo-Australian Planet Search) program, a spectroscopic companion of HD 2039 was discovered, which was given the systematic name HD 2039 b .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Hipparcos catalog (ESA 1997)
  2. Pulkovo radial velocities for 35493 HIP stars
  3. a b c Hipparcos, the New Reduction (van Leeuwen, 2007)